Exercises | Physiotherapy at ISG Complaints during pregnancy


In physiotherapy, pregnant women learn specific exercises to loosen the tense back muscles and loosen the ISG blockade. The following exercises should be performed in consultation with the therapist. If the symptoms increase, the exercises must be discontinued.

Loosening of the ISG joint: The pregnant woman lies down on her back and puts her feet up. The arms are stretched out to the side. Now the pregnant woman lets the bent legs slide to the left side.

The upper body and the shoulders should remain on the mattress as much as possible so that the movement is centred on the pelvis. The maximum stretch is held, then the legs are brought back to the middle and then allowed to slide to the right side. 5 repetitions per side.

Stabilization of the pelvis and strengthening of the abdominal and back muscles: The pregnant woman lies on a mat in supine position. The arms are placed to the side of the body. The lower legs are placed on a chair at right angles so that the thighs and spine form a right angle.

Now the pelvis is slowly lifted until knee and pelvis are at the same level. Then the pelvis is slowly lowered back onto the mat. 10 repetitions.

Loosening of pelvis and hip joint: The pregnant woman stands with her left foot on a book and shifts her body weight to the left. The right foot is therefore in the air. Now the pregnant woman slowly swings her right leg forward and backward.

If there are balance problems, chairs can be placed to the left and right of the pregnant woman so that the backs of the chairs can be used to hold her. Pelvic tilt: In most cases, a pelvic tilt already brings about an alleviation of the symptoms. The woman stands upright with her hips wide and upright and tries again and again to consciously straighten up her pelvis.

The idea that you want to carry the child inside you and not in front of you helps. Alternative: The pregnant woman adopts a four-footed position. Alternately, she now makes a cat hump and then an extreme hollow back.More exercises can be found in the articles:

  • ISG complaints during pregnancy – exercises
  • Exercises ISG-Blockade
  • ISG Blockade
  • ISG Syndrome – Physiotherapy