Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises against a hollow back

Further physiotherapeutic measures

In addition to the gymnastic exercise program, manual therapeutic mobilization techniques can also be used in the treatment of the hollow back. Soft tissue treatments of the tense lower back muscles, often also the gluteal muscles and those of the back thigh, complement the active part of the treatment. In particularly severe cases, corsets can stabilize and relieve the lower back.

Unless prescribed by a doctor, they should never be worn the whole day, but only during periods of heavy exertion in order not to deprive the muscles of their function. This would lead to a further reduction of the already weak stabilizing back and abdominal muscles. Patients often have severe pain in their lower back when they lie in bed in the evening, when the muscles slowly relax. A stepped position, i.e. a lower leg position so that the knee joint and hip are at a 90 degree angle, is often perceived as very relieving and pain-relieving. Of course, the application of heat also helps to relieve tension associated with the hollow back.


In exercises against a hollow back, special attention must be paid to the patient learning to perceive and consciously correct his or her incorrect posture. The abdominal muscles, which are often too weak, must be trained to get the lumbar spine out of its overextension. The muscles in the lower back are often tense and can be relaxed through active movements and stretching but also through complementary passive measures.

If a hunchback occurs in addition to the hollow back, this part should also be in the exercise program against the hollow back, since the individual spinal column sections influence each other. The chest muscles should be stretched, while the upper back and shoulder blade muscles should be strengthened to improve the mobility of the back into an upright position. Since a hollow back also affects other joints, such as the hip and buttock muscles, these muscle groups should also be considered during training. The physiotherapist should draw up an individual training plan!