Diagnosis | Burning in the head


If the burning continues or is accompanied by other complaints, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Given the large number of possible causes, it is important to describe the symptoms in detail. A pain diary can help here.

If neuralgia of a single nerve is suspected, it can be specifically switched off with a local anaesthetic and identified as a possible trigger. If serious diseases are suspected, imaging of the head (CT or MRT) may be indicated. In this way, diseases such as multiple sclerosis or vascular changes can be detected.

However, this is only rarely necessary. In most cases the doctor can make a diagnosis by describing the symptoms. Duration, accompanying symptoms, triggers and other details often provide useful information.

The high-resolution MRI allows the exact representation of the brain structure as well as the supplying blood vessels. The advantages over CT are the higher resolution and the absence of radiation exposure. However, imaging is not always necessary.

This should be done in consultation with the treating physician and after a thorough physical examination. MRI is particularly important in the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. Damage foci in the brain caused by the disease can be visualized by means of MRI.