Sublingual Immunotherapy


Solutions and sublingual tablets are available for sublingual immunotherapy in many countries (e.g., Oralair, Staloral, Grazax). Sublingual tablets, unlike some solutions, do not need to be stored in the refrigerator.


The medicines contain allergen extracts of common allergens, such as pollen from grasses, trees, and shrubs.


The allergen extracts (ATC V01AA) produce symptom relief and immune tolerance to the allergens. Medications used to treat the condition can usually be reduced. The exact mechanism of action is not known. One effect involved is the formation of IgG antibodies to the allergens, resulting in neutralization. In contrast to other antiallergic drugs, which are mainly effective symptomatically, immunotherapy intervenes causally in the disease process and can influence the course of the disease.


For the treatment of IgE-mediated allergic diseases such as hay fever, allergic asthma, and allergic conjunctivitis.


According to the SmPC. The drugs are first kept under the tongue for one to two minutes and then swallowed (sublingual-peroral administration). Unlike subcutaneous immunotherapy, it is administered by the patient at home – under specialist supervision – and no subcutaneous injection is required. However, good adherence to therapy is necessary. The first dose is taken under medical supervision.


For complete precautions, see the drug label.

Adverse effects

The most common possible adverse effects include local reactions in the mouth and digestive tract such as oral itching, swelling, irritation, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. Systemic allergic reactions are possible, such as rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and hives. In contrast, severe side effects such as anaphylaxis are very rare.