Are there complications – is eczema in the armpit dangerous? | Boils in the armpit

Are there complications – is eczema in the armpit dangerous?

If the boil cannot open up to allow the pus and bacteria to drain off, this can lead to greater tissue melting and an adult abscess. This must then be treated surgically and takes longer to heal. If the bacterial infection spreads from the skin to the lymphatic system, it is called lymphangitis (inflammation of the lymphatic ducts) or lymphadenitis (inflammation of the lymph nodes).

This is noticeable by a spread of reddening of the skin along the lymph vessels or swollen and painful lymph nodes. In the armpit this can be difficult to assess if the boil is also located there. General warnings are fever, chills or general malaise (feeling limp and tired).

At the latest then a doctor should be consulted, because now there is also the danger of sepsis. Sepsis is a blood poisoning, as bacteria enter the normally sterile blood. This condition is potentially life-threatening. However, sepsis is an extremely rare complication of furuncle. Lymphangitis/adenitis can also be controlled very quickly with antibiotics and bed rest.

Boils during pregnancy

Boils in the armpits can also occur during pregnancy. Some people tend to develop abscesses and boils more often in their lives. Should a boil appear during pregnancy, this is not a cause for concern at first.

Boils can usually be treated adequately with local disinfectants and antibiotic ointments. However, if there is a severe inflammation, the boil is usually opened by a doctor and the pus is drained. The boil should not be pushed open itself, as otherwise abscesses can develop. An abscess can under certain circumstances threaten pregnancy. Such a complication must therefore be avoided in any case.


The bacteria on our skin are always present, so the only prophylactic measure is to prevent them from entering our body. Sufficient personal hygiene is an important factor here. For example, in the case of frequently occurring furuncles, the skin can be disinfected after shaving the armpits.

Using shaving foam and changing the blades regularly prevents skin irritation. Furthermore, clothing that is too tight should be avoided so that the skin is not chafed.