What is a health care proxy? | Health care

What is a health care proxy?

A power of attorney is generally used if you are not able to make a decision yourself due to illness or other reasons. This is also the case with a health care proxy, which covers all health and medical matters.In summary, this means that you specify in writing who is allowed to make important decisions on your behalf and to receive information about financial and health matters in case of an emergency. For example, in the case of a health care proxy, the person you have chosen (authorized representative(s)) The company is released from its duty of confidentiality towards doctors, decisions are made about treatment options and, if necessary, operations, or legal and financial matters are clarified.

  • The power of attorney – everything around the topic!
  • Guardianship law

Is health care tax deductible?

Health care measures are tax deductible up to a fixed amount under certain conditions. The services provided must comply with §20 and §20a of the Social Security Code V (including stress management, relaxation, restriction of addictive drug use, promotion of movement and reduction of the load on the musculoskeletal system). If the conditions for this are fulfilled, expenditures of up to 500€ per year, which are used for health care, are tax-free.