AIDS: Why Safe Sex is so Important

Today, around 36 million people worldwide are still infected with the HIV virus. Although the number of new infections has fallen from around three to two million infected people per year since the turn of the millennium, responsible behavior and protection for oneself and others are still highly topical issues today. There is still no cure for HIV or AIDS.

Numerous new HIV infections

The only insignificant decrease in Germany since 2005 has been in the number of new HIV infections in the group of men with same-sex sexual contacts (MSM). In all other groups, the number of new infections has remained unchanged or even decreased in recent years. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), however, an increase in sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis and gonorrhea has been observed for some time. To many, the temporary decline in new infections with HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases seems to give the false impression that one can do without sufficient protection during sexual contact. However, the risk of infection with HIV should be taken as seriously today as it was at the beginning of the epidemic in the 1980s, both by the group of homosexual men and by all other sexually active people.

HIV and AIDS – what’s behind it?

The human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) gradually destroys the body’s immune defenses. This is because the HI virus has the property of penetrating into cells of the body’s own defense system, changing the genetic material there and destroying the cells in the long term. This affects a large number of cells, but especially the CD4 cells, the so-called helper cells, which play an important role in the immune defense, since they control, among other things, some cells of the immune system. Gradually, this causes the number of important CD4 cells to decrease, until finally the immune system collapses. The body is defenseless and at this stage normally completely harmless infections become a life-threatening threat to the body. These typical infections, such as with tuberculosis and fungal infections, are called opportunistic infections. Certain tumor diseases also occur more frequently at this stage. It is only now that one speaks of AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome).

Safer sex: always topical

Sales of condoms in Germany have been at record levels for several years. While only about 50 percent of the sexually active group under the age of 45 used condoms in the 1990s, today the figure is nearly 80 percent. However, in view of the fact that over 80 percent of all new HIV infections in Germany result from sexual contact, no one should underestimate the risk of infection. A contributing factor could be the perception among the population that, thanks to improved treatment options, an HIV infection is now easily treatable and, above all, no longer has to lead to death. However, this is a deceptive assessment. It is true that the number of those who died as a result of HIV infection in 2015 fell to about one-fifth of the peak levels reached in the mid-1990s. But an average of nearly 500 people still die each year in Germany as a result of their HIV infection. There is no telling when a cure for AIDS will be found.

Ways of becoming infected with HIV

There are several ways through which infection with HIV can occur:

  • Blood and blood residues (for example, also via syringes).
  • Semen
  • Vaginal secretion
  • Breast milk

Infection with HIV can only occur when these fluids get on mucous membranes or in open wounds. The main route of transmission is sexual intercourse without condoms.

HIV in blood products

Blood reserves and other blood products are tested for HIV in Germany at great expense, so they are theoretically HIV-free. The minimal residual risk, which however always remains, can be avoided by donating one’s own blood. This means that you donate your own blood in good time before a planned surgical procedure, which is then returned to you during the operation.

Not every contact poses a risk of infection

People are often unsure how to interact with people infected with HIV. Yet the fear of infection is unfounded in many everyday situations. HIV is not transmissible by:

  • Shaking hands
  • Skin contact (hugs or kisses)
  • Sweat
  • Tears
  • Saunas
  • Swimming in swimming pools
  • Toilets
  • Common food/cutlery (saliva)
  • Insect bites

When in doubt: HIV test

If there is a possibility of infection with HIV, an appropriate test should be performed. An HIV test can perform the family doctor, as well as the health offices, which are often very inexpensive, and some AIDS counseling centers. The HIV test consists of a simple blood sample and must always and without exception only be carried out with the express consent of the person being tested. In all facilities that carry out an HIV test, the employees are bound by strict confidentiality. The result is available after three days at the latest. The test looks for antibodies against the virus, which the body forms in an attempt to defend itself against the virus. It takes an average of 10 to 12 weeks after an infection for these to become detectable. Therefore, no statement can be made about an infection that occurred only a few days ago. To be on the safe side, if infection is suspected, it is essential to take appropriate safety measures (condoms, avoid blood contact, etc.) until a negative test result is available.

HIV test positive – how safe is the result?

If antibodies are found in the blood, i.e. if the test result is positive, a second examination must always be carried out to check this result. This is because, since the test is very sensitive, it can also once falsely indicate other antibodies in the blood that have nothing to do with HIV. Only if both examinations were positive, the result may be communicated to the person concerned. And even then, blood should be taken and examined again, in order to rule out any mishaps during labeling or transport or in the laboratory. Anyone who receives a diagnosis of HIV-positive can, in addition to medical advice from the attending physician, also rely on the help of numerous counseling centers to learn how to live with HIV.

Bottom line: safer sex is for our own protection

So safer sex is as important as ever. Given the dangers of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases, everything possible must be done to effectively address these challenges. No one should close their eyes to this danger. This applies not only to the group of homosexually living people, but also to sexually active people. The consistent use of condoms is therefore the central message of AIDS prevention.