Accelerate hair growth in the child | How can you accelerate hair growth?

Accelerate hair growth in the child

At the age of three years, most toddlers’ baby fluff has disappeared and the head is completely covered by hair.After the first hairs are usually blonde to white-blonde, the regrowing hairs often have a slightly darker color which, just like the iris of the eyes, darkens a little over time. This is quite normal and is due to the increasing production of melanin (the substance that acts as a dye in our body, so to speak, and darkens both hair and, for example, the skin). As described above, every child develops differently and at its own individual pace.

For example, some little ones may still have hardly any hair on their heads at the age of three, while others may already be able to braid theirs. But this is quite normal and no reason to worry. However, if you still want to try to speed up your child’s hair growth a little, it is advisable to make sure that the child is fed a varied and balanced diet.

Vitamins, minerals and proteins are especially important. Vitamin B7 (also known as vitamin H or biotin) plays a particularly important role in hair growth. The following foods contain particularly large amounts of it: Chicken eggs, yoghurt and cheese, wholemeal products, fish (such as sardines, trout or salmon), raspberries, avocados and bananas, tomatoes and nuts.

It is also important for the development of child hair growth that the scalp itself is healthy and adequately cared for. Dry, flaky scalp hinders the hair in its growth. For children, there are therefore also special gentle children’s hair shampoos, which additionally care for the skin and provide moisture, but without aggressive ingredients.

Accelerate hair growth after chemotherapy

Due to the very aggressive cell-destroying drugs used in chemotherapy, complete hair loss is unfortunately not uncommon but rather the rule. Especially women suffer a lot from it and try to stimulate the hair growth a little bit after the therapy in order to lose the annoying and unpleasant bald head again as soon as possible. Hair grows on average about 1 – 1.5 cm per month.

Unfortunately, this growth rate cannot be changed even with the help of special care products or medication. The also widespread myth that frequent hair cutting would make the hair thicker and stronger is unfortunately not proven. After chemotherapy, women primarily need patience until the hair has grown back on its own.

What does have a stimulating effect on hair growth, however, are measures that promote blood circulation. These include scalp massage as well as special shampoos and tinctures for hair care, which contain caffeine and thus stimulate the blood circulation. The improved blood circulation also means that the hair follicles located in the scalp (the place where hair grows and develops) are better supplied with oxygen and nutrients and can therefore invest more energy in hair growth.

It is also important to pay attention to a healthy and balanced diet, paying special attention to many vitamins, minerals and trace elements, as these may have been used up or lost due to the long period of chemotherapy. Vitamin H (also called vitamin B7 or biotin) plays an important role, especially for hair growth. As a component of keratin, the substance from which our hair and nails are made, it strengthens their structure and improves the quality of regrowing hair.

A high-dose supply of vitamin H, as it would be necessary in the period after chemotherapy, is unfortunately not possible with the products available in drugstores, which is why you can get special preparations in pharmacies. Since the vitamin primarily affects the hair that grows back, and not the hair that already exists, it is recommended to start taking the vitamin preparations already during chemotherapy.