Aftercare and rehabilitation | Operation of spinal canal stenosis

Aftercare and rehabilitation

The follow-up treatment after spinal canal stenosis surgery begins during the hospital stay. In the days following the operation, physiotherapy is performed under supervision so that the patient can be mobilized again as soon as possible. After hospital discharge, there are various ways in which further post-operative treatment can be provided.

On the one hand, an inpatient rehabilitation can take place. The patient is placed in a rehabilitation clinic for another three to four weeks. This option is particularly suitable for patients who are not yet able to safely care for themselves after discharge from hospital.

For fitter patients, outpatient rehabilitation is a good option. This means that one is discharged home and from there regularly visits a rehab center to perform exercises. With patients, who are already very mobile again after the dismissal from the hospital and exhibit only small restrictions, if necessary without a Reha can be done without and instead only physiotherapy be prescribed. This is usually done twice a week for three weeks.

Duration of the entire treatment

The duration of the entire treatment depends first of all on how quickly the spinal canal stenosis is diagnosed, when the indication for surgery is given and how quickly an appointment for the operation can be made. Admission to the hospital is usually one day before the operation. Prior to this, appointments are usually made for preliminary talks.

The procedure takes about 60 to 90 minutes and discharge is usually possible after one week at the earliest. The subsequent phase of professionally conducted rehabilitation or physiotherapy usually lasts between three and six weeks, depending on how mobile and independent the patient is after the operation. Full resilience can be expected after about three months at the earliest. After completion of the post-treatment measures, a final appointment is usually made with the treating physician.