Associated symptoms | Swollen nose

Associated symptoms

A swelling of the nose is often accompanied by other symptoms. The reason for this is that a swollen nose can often only occur as one of several symptoms of a disease. A swollen nose also hinders breathing.

This can lead to impairment of sleep, the ability to smell or the general condition. Affected persons often complain about greater tiredness or exhaustion. Hearing and speech can also be impaired.

If an inflammation of the nasal mucosa is the cause of a swollen nose, further symptoms are usually the secretion of mucus and a greater sensitivity of the nasal mucosa. If the nose is swollen in the course of a cold or flu, the typical remaining symptoms of these diseases are usually also present. If a boil is the cause of a swelling of the nose, the nose is usually additionally reddened and very sensitive to pain. In addition, the boil itself can also hurt without touching it.


During a visit to the doctor, the doctor is usually first asked to describe the symptoms in detail. This is important for the diagnosis, as the doctor can form a picture of the illness and a suspicion of the cause. Usually he asks further questions in order to get a better idea of the symptoms.

However, such a conversation is usually not sufficient for a diagnosis. Often the nose is additionally inspected by the doctor. If the swelling lies within the nose, the doctor may use a special tool, the so-called nasal speculum, to widen the nostrils.

This is usually not painful. It is possible that further examinations may be necessary. These may include imaging methods such as MRI and CT, or an allergy test.

What to do with a swollen nose?

The question of what to do about a swollen nose is related to the cause of the swelling. In many cases, a visit to a doctor can be useful. This is especially true if a swelling of the nose occurs suddenly and without any apparent reason, such as a cold.

If an allergy is suspected, it can be tested by the doctor. Also different diseases, like polyps should be examined by a doctor. If a common cold is the cause of swelling of the nose, it is usually not necessary to see a doctor.

In this case it is helpful to drink enough. In addition, the nose can be brushed carefully, but it should not be blown too hard, as germs can spread into the sinuses. Inhaling steam or essential oils can free the nose.

Moistening the mucous membranes with saline nasal spray facilitates the removal of the troublesome mucus. If the nose was injured before the swelling started, there may be a break. In this case a doctor should be consulted.

This is often accompanied by severe nosebleeds or a crooked nose. If there is a boil or even a carbuncle, a visit to a doctor may be necessary. Sufficient hygiene must be ensured.

We advise against independent treatment, e.g. by squeezing, if necessary. A number of home remedies can be very effective against a swollen nose. The smell of an onion or spicy food stimulates the secretion of the nose, which can liquefy stuck mucus.

Inhalation of warm steam or essential oils can be helpful. Of course, one should be careful of burns. Essential oils such as thyme, peppermint or eucalyptus can be used.

It is particularly important to take in sufficient liquid. In addition to water, tea or hot lemon are also suitable for this. If the cause is an infectious rhinitis, adequate hygiene must be ensured to prevent the disease from spreading further.

If there is a boil or even a carbuncle, a visit to a doctor is usually recommended. There are also no sufficient home remedies against polyps. This could also be of interest to you: Household remedies for a cold