Exercises without equipment | Cervical spine syndrome exercises with the Theraband

Exercises without equipment

Important in a cervical syndrome is the strengthening of the short neck muscles and the rhomboids, as well as the back extensor but also the stretching of the trapezius. The short neck musculature can be trained mainly through isometric exercises. You can find more exercises for a cervical spine syndrome here:

  • Exercise 1: The patient rotates his head as far as possible, holds his hand to his cheek and clamps his hand and head against each other.

    He holds the tension for 10 seconds, releases the tension and turns the head a little further into the rotation and repeats it 2 more times. The tension and relaxation (Hold&Relax) causes a relaxation in the muscle and the movement of the joint is better possible.

  • Exercise 2: In the upper part of the cervical spine, a retraction and protraction movement takes place. For a better understanding, it is a double chin movement (retraction) and pushing the head forward (protraction).

    The retraction can be supported with the hand. When the movement is performed, the hand pushes carefully into the final position. The same movement can be performed in supine position with a sand cushion under the head.

    The final position is held for a few seconds.

  • Exercise 3: “Turtle” to improve strength in the area of the upper back extensor, rhomboids and to coordinate the muscles. In the “Turtle” exercise, the hands are placed on a chair and the feet remain on the floor. The shoulder blades are pulled together, the tension is maintained and the head is pushed upwards (making the spine long).

    In doing so, the rhomboids as well as the back extensor in the cervical area are trained, both of which are important for a strong back.

  • Exercise 4: Stretch for the trapezius muscle. Let arm hang next to body, pull palm up and press hand towards floor.Pull the head to the opposite side and hold the tension for about 30 seconds. Then circle both shoulders backwards.
  • Cervical spine syndrome exercises
  • Cervical spine syndrome – these exercises help