B Complex Vitamins

Without the B vitamins, nerves, skin, hair and blood would not be able to perform their normal tasks properly. Deficiencies must therefore be compensated absolutely. Learn more about vitamin B1 (thiamine), vitamin Bs (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B12 (cobalamin), and pantothenic acid and biotin here.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Vitamin B1 has important functions in many enzymes that regulate the utilization of carbohydrates. When deficient in this vitamin, the body can no longer convert carbohydrates to glucose (dextrose). However, our brain depends on glucose to maintain its function. Thiamine also plays a crucial role in the transmission of signals in the nerves. Since the body can only store the vitamin in small quantities, it must be supplied regularly with food. An overdose is not possible, as any excess vitamin B1 is excreted again. The requirement is significantly increased during heavy physical work or work in high heat; alcohol can also jeopardize the supply of thiamine. Vitamin B1 deficiency is usually first noticed in the nerves: fatigue, concentration problems and irritability as well as more unspecific symptoms such as weight loss, loss of appetite, muscle weakness or sleep disturbances can be signs. Thiamine, like most B vitamins, is found in the marginal layers of all cereals. Therefore, when using hulled products, the intake of thiamine is very low. Other suppliers of vitamin B1 are meat products, potatoes or legumes.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Vitamin B2 has a central function in metabolism, as it can transfer hydrogen from one molecular oil to another. Among other things, riboflavin maintains the respiratory chain: oxygen is brought into the blood in the lungs, does its work in the body and is then excreted as carbon dioxide. A deficiency of this vitamin is noticeable in torn mouth corners or skin changes, pronounced deficiency symptoms can lead to inflammation of mucous membranes. Vitamin B2 is found primarily in milk and dairy products, meat, vegetables, and potatoes.

Niacin (nicotinamide – PP factor and nicotinic acid).

Niacin is the summary name for nicotinic acid and nicotinamide. Niacin participates in many metabolic processes that the body uses to obtain energy in every cell. Meat is the most important supplier of niacin. Deficiency symptoms do not actually exist in industrialized nations, the exception being severe alcoholics. Niacin deficiency manifests itself in changes in skin, disorders of the digestive tract and nervous system.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine).

Vitamin B6 is actually a group of several similar substances, all of which have vitamin character. The vitamin regulates protein metabolism and thus plays a central role for all cells. Vitamin B6 is found in almost all foods, however, the vitamin is very sensitive and can be destroyed during cooking. Deficiency manifests itself in nervous disorders, dry skin and inflamed oral mucosa. The vitamin is also used to treat diseases such as rheumatism or menstrual cramps. Some drugs, for example, antiepileptic drugs, the pill or tuberculosis drugs increase the need for vitamin B6.

Pantothenic acid

This vitamin is important for cell maintenance and regeneration. Panthothenic acid promotes energy metabolism in skin cells and stimulates them to divide. Pantothenic acid is found in a great many foods, such as eggs, liver, heart, milk, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.


Biotin, also known as vitamin H, is especially important for the brain, skin, hair and nails. High levels of biotin are found in liver, eggs, nuts, and soybeans. Biotin deficiency manifests itself in scaly skin with a tendency to eczema, brittle fingernails, and dull, split ends. Tablets are available for treatment, which must be taken in a daily dose of at least 2.5 mg over an extended period of time.

Vitamin B12 (cobalamin)

This vitamin plays an important role in the formation of red blood cells – without vitamin B12, anemia would occur. Since vitamin B12 is produced exclusively by microorganisms, the supply succeeds only through animal products such as meat, fish, milk and eggs. A deficiency can occur with a strict vegetarian diet or severe gastrointestinal diseases.In this case, the gastric mucosa can no longer produce a substance that is necessary for the absorption of vitamin B12. Complete deficiency leads to pernicious anemia. The therapy of this disease – the vitamin must be injected.