Duration | Physiotherapy for heel spurs


The duration of a calcaneal spur depends on various factors, including the type of calcaneal spur, how long it has existed and whether it is treated conservatively or surgically. With conservative treatment, the acute pain can usually be reached within a few days by taking anti-inflammatory and analgesic medication. However, since this form of therapy does not eliminate the cause of the problem, physiotherapeutic treatment is recommended.

It can normally take 6-8 weeks until the patient is permanently pain-free. However, in complicated cases, the duration of a heel spur can also last for months. This is especially the case after an operation, as the foot must not be fully loaded at first and more intensive follow-up treatment is necessary. In extreme cases, the duration of the disease can then last up to one year. In any case, it is advisable to consult a physician as early as possible if problems occur, in order to prevent a chronification of the heel spur.


All in all, a heel spur is a very common disease, but in 80% of cases it can heal without any problems. In some cases, an existing heel spur does not cause any problems, so it may not need to be treated. If you recognize the signs of a heel spur in yourself or have been having problems for a long time, it is advisable to talk to a doctor about it so that countermeasures can be taken to prevent a chronic course and treat the acute problems.

Many of the physiotherapeutic exercises can be done at home, even preventive, and are therefore a very useful addition to the treatment. The aim of physiotherapy is to make the patient pain-free and to prevent the development of heel spurs in the long term. This is ensured by correcting any incorrect posture and by regularly performing the exercises learned during therapy.

Further possibilities to treat a heel spur are for example cold-, electro- or shock wave therapy. Wearing suitable shoes can also help to prevent heel spurs.