Back to Basic: Almost Forgotten Fitness and Health Trends

Simple, clear and no frills: what has long been true for fashion and design is increasingly evident in sports and health trends. Instead of yogalates and crossgolfing, real trendsetters are cavorting on trim trails or swinging the hula hoop – retro is the order of the day. And even trendy wellness oases offer treatments from Pastor Kneipp. “More and more people long for simple fitness methods as a contrast program to the hectic everyday life,” explains DAK spokeswoman Nina Waldheim.

Pull-ups until “Trimmy” arrives

Who needs high-tech sports equipment when the good old “Trimm-Dich-Pfad” (trim trail) on your doorstep invites you to go for a long run? In the 1970s, the German Sports Federation launched the “Trimm dich – durch Sport” campaign. With a little luck, you might even meet the mascot “Trimmy” while jogging. The newly created paths were intended to motivate sports fans to exercise more.

Today, Trimm-Dich stations can again add variety to the weekly walking or jogging tour. Advantage: The combination of walking training, stretching and strengthening exercises is suitable for beginners and advanced athletes alike. Everyone can determine the duration and intensity of the exercises themselves. “Simply start running directly from home – a tempting idea for all those who constantly have to rush from A to B in their daily work and family life,” says Nina Waldheim from DAK.

But before you start, it’s a matter of checking the trails. “Take a close look at ‘your’ trim trail. In some places, time has already left its mark. Avoid rotten beams for pull-ups and co. – otherwise there is a risk of injury,” advises Waldheim.

Of rope artists and aerobics stars

The ’80s: “Dallas” flickered on TV and Jane Fonda’s followers took the first aerobics classes. Others rediscovered jumping rope for themselves. Even today, boxers and other professional athletes use it to train speed and endurance. In the meantime, skipping has even become a recognized competitive sport.

Anyone who thinks that rope skipping is old hat and not trendy enough can use the term “rope skipping” to make an impression. Nina Waldheim of DAK says, “Rope skipping not only puts you in a good mood, the rhythmic movements also help relieve stress.”

Hip-swinging with plastic hoops

In the 1950s, it was as much a part of life as petticoats and James Dean: the hula hoop. Not only children practiced tirelessly until they got the hang of it. Adults also try the popular waist circling to this day. Because the rhythmic movements burn calories, strengthen the core muscles and thus ensure a slim waist.

What’s good for your health: studies show that the dreaded ‘life rings’ in the middle of the body are particularly harmful to health. They increase cardiovascular risk more than pads distributed all over the body.

More power with Kneipp

Kneipp therapy is also finding numerous followers again. As early as the 19th century, the Bavarian priest turned the health world upside down – and cured himself, among other things, with baths in the ice-cold Danube. His teaching is comprehensive and holistic and is based on five pillars:

  • Water treatments
  • Exercise
  • Nutrition
  • Medicinal plants
  • Life order

The alternating shower is also an element of his health teachings: the alternation of cold and warm water strengthens the body’s defenses and gets the circulation going. Certain Kneipp applications even drive away headaches and can also relieve stress symptoms. “Anyone who wants to try Kneipp should first consult their family doctor or a Kneipp professional: These know how to relax optimally, for example, and what you should pay attention to,” says DAK spokeswoman Nina Waldheim.


Each time has its own attitude to life. “The Basic trend fits the need of many people to find out what really matters in life,” says Waldheim. “Even with simple means, a lot can be achieved. People who pause now and then can often cope better with the turbulence of everyday life.”