Bionator: Applications & Health Benefits

Bionator is the name of an instrument used in orthodontics. It is used to treat misaligned teeth and jaws.

What is a bionator?

Used primarily in children and adolescents, the bionator is used because they are still growing. The bionator is part of holistic orthodontics. This takes into account the most diverse aspects of malocclusions. These include complaints that occur in other parts of the body, such as neck pain, back pain or tinnitus. The bionator was developed in 1952 by the German dentist Wilhelm Balters (1893-1973). Balters intended to restore the patient’s environment, co-environment and inner world through the use of the special instrument. According to Balters, in addition to the use of the bionator, posture and breathing exercises as well as the correct position of the tongue were necessary for positive development. The bionator is used primarily with children and adolescents because they are still growing.

Shapes, types and styles

The bionator can be divided into three different types. These are the basic appliance, the reversal appliance and the shielding appliance. The basic appliance is used to treat mandibular recession (distal bite position), while the reversal appliance is used when the patient’s mandible is too far in the anterior direction. A shielding appliance can be used to correct a frontal open bite. The bionator was further developed by Felix Ascher (1908-2003), a student of Wilhelm Balters. Thus, Ascher supplemented the instrument with two retaining mandrels in the maxillary region of the first molars. In addition, the bionator was given a plastic cover for the front teeth of the lower jaw. Although the bionator is only a single instrument, it can be applied to the upper jaw and the lower jaw simultaneously. Thus, a connection between the two jaws occurs through the instrument.

Structure and mode of operation

The bionator is assembled from a stainless steel tongue bar, a plastic frame and a lip-cheek bow. To produce the small, handy device, the extraction of a construction bite takes place. For this purpose, the upper jaw and lower jaw assume the position that is to be achieved later with the aid of the bionator. The user places the bionator loosely in the mouth. The instrument does not exert any force. Rather, it serves to normalize the orofacial musculature. In addition, the growth of the jaw should proceed undisturbed. This results in the formation of suction spaces inside the oral cavity. These stimulate the growth of the jawbone and teeth. The tongue bar makes it possible to bring about a change in the position of the tongue during the swallowing process, which in turn causes the muscles to relax. This process also has positive effects on the metabolism. Other effects include the promotion of nasal breathing, the release of lymphatic congestion, the development of the nasal cavity and sinuses, and a widening of the palate. This gives the tongue more room to move in the palatal arch. By moving the lower jaw forward, the straightening of the cervical spine and the posture of the head can be improved. This has a positive effect on the entire skeletal system. However, specific movements of a tooth cannot be made exactly with a bionator. The therapeutic effect of the bionator always becomes apparent when the patient speaks or swallows. The same applies to clenching the teeth. In order for the appliance to have its positive effects, the patient must wear it for about 16 hours every day. The bionator can be easily removed during school or sports activities. To support the positive effects of the instrument, it is possible to perform additional breathing and speaking exercises every day. Special posture exercises are also considered useful. Another auxiliary measure is the application of a headgear. This is a special head device.

Medical and health benefits

Holistic orthodontics highly values the health benefits of the bionator. Thus, according to them, the instrument also has a positive effect on the whole body, because misalignments of the jaw have negative consequences for other parts of the body, such as the spine. The tooth misalignments create an interrelationship that in turn affects other bodily functions.Furthermore, psychological aspects play a role. The patient’s entire body can benefit from the normalization of orofacial muscle function with the help of the bionator. Positive effects include the release of tension in the area of the head and neck, improved posture and better nasal breathing through additional lip closure training. Like most functional orthodontic appliances, the bionator works best when there is still body growth. For this reason, it is used especially in children and adolescents. Thus, the instrument is primarily used to treat maldevelopments of the jaw, teeth and masticatory system (dysgnathia). These are caused by malfunctions of the lips, masticatory muscles, cheeks and tongue. In certain cases, the bionator is also suitable for the treatment of adults. This is the case, for example, when they suffer from dysfunctions such as teeth grinding.