Blood Circulation: Life Force for the Cells

The health of every individual depends crucially on the undisturbed transport of blood to all parts of the body. However, the blood circulation is susceptible to disruption. Similar to road traffic, bottlenecks can cause congestion. Harmful influences such as

  • Too high cholesterol levels
  • High blood pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Stress
  • Lack of exercise or
  • Nicotine

Damage the arteries and lead to deposits, called plaques, which impede blood flow – the beginning of atherosclerosis. Individual tissues are then no longer supplied adequately, they age more or even die. If the heart muscle is affected, there is a risk of heart attack and cardiac insufficiency.

A balanced diet and sufficient physical exercise help to minimize deposits in the blood vessels and prevent disease development. In addition, herbal ingredients can support the health of the vessels. The ginkgo tree is particularly well equipped to do this. Extracts of its ingredients have a positive effect on the vascular walls, improving the flow properties of the blood.

Avoid congestion

Congestion can also occur in the veins when, with age, the valves in the veins no longer close properly or the influence of the muscles is insufficient to move the blood toward the heart. Varicose veins and water retention in the legs are possible consequences. Sufficient exercise and targeted vein gymnastics can then support the blood flow. Herbal vein remedies with active ingredients from horse chestnut or red vine leaves also help to stabilize the vascular walls.

Everyone can do something to strengthen the circulation and improve blood flow. With the help of regular physical exercise, the blood flow is kept going and the blood supply to the individual organs is improved. Alternating between hot and cold, for example with alternating showers, also stimulates blood circulation. Regular sauna sessions have a similar effect. Local treatment with heat or herbal agents can help improve circulation in individual areas of the body.

For muscle tension in the shoulder, for example, heat patches with active ingredients from cayenne pepper have proven effective. Constantly cold feet can also be a sign that blood circulation is not functioning optimally. Low blood pressure is often to blame. Even then, regular physical exercise gets the circulation going. A foot bath with herbal additives of rosemary, eucalyptus or spruce needle additionally boosts blood flow.