Breast Reduction: Risks and Costs

The amount of costs incurred for breast reduction depends primarily on how much tissue needs to be removed from the breast. After a detailed discussion and assessment of the breast, the attending physician will provide a cost estimate. As a rule, the cost of breast reduction in Germany is between 4500 and 7000 euros. However, these prices are only guidelines, the exact cost can only be determined by the attending physician.

Cost absorption by health insurance only in case of medical necessity

Whether or not a breast reduction is covered by health insurance always depends on the circumstances of the surgery. If the operation is considered medically necessary, the health insurance usually covers the cost of the procedure or at least pays a subsidy. On the other hand, if the breast lift is only desired for optical reasons, there is no assumption of costs by the health insurance.

Breast reduction must be medically necessary

The attending physician must decide in each individual case whether a breast reduction is to be considered medically necessary or not. In an expert opinion, he must justify whether the operation can cure, alleviate or prevent a disease. Thus, breast reductions are often paid for by the health insurance if it is determined that the weight of the breasts severely affects the back or neck.

In some cases, a certificate from the doctor that the complaints have not improved despite alternative therapies such as physiotherapy is also necessary for the health insurance to cover the costs.

Risks of general anesthesia

Breast reduction takes place under general anesthesia and therefore initially involves the same risks as any other operation. These risks include:

  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system
  • Ventilation problems
  • Reflux of stomach contents into the trachea
  • Irritation of the throat with coughing and hoarseness due to the breathing tube.
  • Damage to the front teeth during ventilation.
  • Nausea and vomiting after surgery
  • Allergic reactions

After surgery, there may also be wound healing problems that can result in wider scars, as well as an increased risk of thrombosis.

Risks of breast reduction

In addition to these general risks of surgery under general anesthesia, however, breast reduction also carries some specific risks: for example, local inflammation may occur in the breast after surgery. Persistent redness, bruising as well as swelling of the treated areas are also possible – in individual cases it can take several months for these to subside. Numbness caused by the severing of the finest nerves also usually disappears by itself over time.

In addition, it can happen after a breast reduction that the ability to breastfeed is impaired. If you are planning to have a child in the near future, you should consider postponing the breast reduction to a later date. In very rare cases, there may also be persistent loss of sensation as well as loss of the nipple. This is the case if the nipple is completely transplanted during the operation, but is subsequently not accepted by the body again.

In order not to endanger an optimal course of the surgery as well as a smooth healing process, alcohol, nicotine and blood-thinning medications such as acetylsalicylic acid should be avoided for some time before as well as after the treatment.