Can kidney pain be a sign of pregnancy? | Kidney pain during pregnancy

Can kidney pain be a sign of pregnancy?

Kidney pain is characterized by partly typical symptoms. They are described as severe, stabbing flank pain and can occur on one side or both sides. In the case of a ureteral stone, cramps and nausea also occur.

Kidney pain in itself is usually not a sign of pregnancy. However, there is the rare case of a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants outside the uterus. This so-called extrauterine pregnancy can cause a variety of symptoms.

These include pain, which is known as kidney pain. It begins with severe abdominal pain, cramps, nausea and vomiting. In addition, depending on the position of the nested egg, flank pain can also occur as a sign of pregnancy.

The kidney itself is only affected as the uterus grows in size. If menstruation fails to occur and you are suspected of being pregnant, kidney pain can be a sign of an extrauterine pregnancy. This is especially true if other symptoms mentioned above are also present. Actual kidney pain, on the other hand, is not a sign of pregnancy. A recommendation of the editorship: Ectopic pregnancy

Which kidney pain in pregnancy is normal? When do they start to appear?

The question of pregnant women with kidney pain is often: Which kidney pain in pregnancy is normal, or when does it start to appear? Kidney pain in pregnancy occurs mainly from the half and in the last third of the pregnancy. Here the baby is so big that the uterus displaces other organs.

This can also put pressure on the kidneys, which leads to pain. It is difficult to speak of “normal” kidney pain, since a clinical picture to be treated can always be responsible. Mostly harmless are kidney pains during pregnancy, however, if they occur mainly when lying down and subside again when standing.

The intensity of the pain should not be too strong.Mild pain, on the other hand, often occurs in this way and usually has no disease value. Even in an upright position, kidney pain can occur during pregnancy if the baby moves in the abdomen and presses on a kidney. This pain is short and severe. It is not uncommon for back pain or tense muscles to be behind it, which are interpreted as kidney pain. If the pain is extremely severe or if accompanying symptoms occur, a doctor should be consulted immediately.