Carbohydrate type | Which metabolic type am I?

Carbohydrate type

Little hunger and long breaks between meals are typical for the carbohydrate type. This metabolic type classically only thinks about eating when it is attacked by strong hunger. Often this type is susceptible to stress and occasionally does not eat because he allegedly has “no time”.

Instead of salty foods, the carbohydrate type has a greater appetite for sweets and tends to drink caffeinated beverages. This metabolic type often finds it difficult to lose weight. Typically, the carbohydrate type processes starchy foods rather slowly.

This metabolic type should include many carbohydrates in the diet. However, sufficient protein and fiber are important to prevent ravenous appetite attacks. The carbohydrate type generally tolerates all types of fruit and vegetables.

Not only sweet foods should be eaten, but also complex carbohydrates and lean protein. Low-fat protein sources are particularly suitable for the carbohydrate type. Overall, a diet rich in vegetables and fruits, whole grains, rice, poultry, white fish and seafood is recommended. Low-fat dairy products are allowed, but the consumption of caffeinated beverages should be kept low. The carbohydrate type may derive about 70% of its calories from starchy foods, 20% from protein and 10% from healthy fats.

Mixing type

The so-called mixed type has a relatively balanced metabolism.This means that he can easily utilize carbohydrates, protein and protein. Such a metabolic type can be conspicuous by changing eating habits and can have ravenous appetite attacks, both for sweet and salty foods. Tiredness and anxiety can occur and those affected sometimes have difficulty maintaining their own body weight.

Since the mixed type tolerates all macronutrients (carbohydrates, fats and proteins), it has basically no limitations. However, he must be careful not to eat a nutrient group permanently. Therefore the rule is to pay attention to a balanced diet. This consists of high-quality protein, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. With the mixed type, an ideal daily nutrient intake consists of one third carbohydrates, one third protein and one third good fats.