Causes | Treatment for a trapped nerve in the cervical spine


The causes of a pinched nerve are manifold. Often the symptoms are caused by hardening of the muscles. In this case, the muscle tissue cramps and presses on the nerve fibers.

These react to the mechanical changes with irritation, cause pain and may restrict the nerve’s ability to function. Muscle hardening is often caused by long years of incorrect posture, one-sided incorrect loading of the cervical spine (e.g., jamming the telephone between ear and shoulder) or wear and tear. This leads to an unnoticed pre-damage.

Occupations that place great strain on the cervical spine, such as tilers, painters or PC workers, are particularly often affected. If a sudden and jerky movement is made, a pinched nerve becomes noticeable. Another harmless cause of a pinched nerve is a wrong sleeping position, e.g. sleeping on the stomach.

This is because turning the head to one side means a one-sided strain on the cervical spine muscles. Serious causes are previous bone fractures, whiplash or strains. Because these injuries can lead to inflammation or swelling that irritates the nerve.With accompanying numbness and weakness in the arms or extremely severe pain, a herniated disc may be present. Rarely do tumors press on the nerve tracts.


The main function of nerves is to transmit stimuli to the brain or, conversely, to transmit stimuli from the brain to the corresponding supply area. If a nerve is trapped, the transmission of stimuli is disturbed and the symptoms are clear. They manifest themselves in burning and stabbing pain, which usually occurs suddenly and is very pronounced.

They become worse when the cervical spine is moved, coughing, sneezing or tension is felt. Unfortunately, the pain is usually not limited to the affected area, but radiates into the entire nerve supply area: the head, the shoulder and neck area and the arms. As a result, some sufferers suffer from headaches, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, visual and auditory disturbances (tinnitus) and weakness at the same time. If a motor nerve is affected, temporary paralysis also occurs, and in the case of sensitive nerves, numbness and sensation.