Causes | What happens when you eat mold?


Molds feed on the components of food, which is why food is a popular place for mold to settle. Nearly all foods represent a possible breeding ground for mold and can thus, depending on the product and storage, show mold after some time. Just a few mould spores may be enough to cause a larger growth of mould on the product after some time.

Mould multiplies particularly well in humid and warm climates. Foods with a high water content in particular are easily affected by mold. The temperature in the refrigerator does not protect against the growth of mold.

Bread is one of the foods that are particularly susceptible to mold. Mould fungus multiplies very well on cereals under ideal conditions, as is usually the case with bread in the household. At what point in time after production mold appears on bread depends on the storage and humidity of the bread.

As soon as mold is noticed on bread, it should be disposed of. It is not possible to find out whether the mold is only on the surface or already inside the whole bread. Even if the inside of the bread does not look conspicuous, it may be affected by mold. The consumption of mouldy bread can be harmful to health due to the toxins of the fungus it contains.

What happens when you eat moldy toast?

Mould develops relatively quickly on toast bread, as the light-coloured grain flour provides a good breeding ground for mould. In addition, the high water content of toast bread favors the growth of molds. Basically, it is not dangerous for a healthy person with a healthy immune system to eat moldy toast.

At least not if it is an exception. If one has eaten a slice of toast and only then noticed that the toast was moldy, no special measures need to be taken. As a rule, the most you will experience is a slight grumbling in the stomach, at worst nausea and vomiting. However, this is very rare.If large quantities of moldy toast are consumed over a long period of time or just once, this can have long-term consequences for the liver and kidneys, as these organs break down the toxins produced by the molds.