
Synonyms in the broadest sense

cheating repetitions, bodybuilding, strength training


With the method of the falsified movement, the actual range of movement is modified to generate an additional impulse. To avoid damage to the musculoskeletal system, correct and controlled deflection of the movement is a basic requirement.


If, due to fatigue, the movement can no longer be performed correctly from a technical point of view, this method can be used to delay the interruption of movement by the athlete changing the movement to such an extent that an additional impulse is possible to cope with the repetition. In bicep curl, the upper body is tilted backwards to overcome the weight. This characteristic is often implemented uncontrolled and unconsciously in beginner training. The risk of injury is particularly high and damage to the musculoskeletal system and joints is often the result.


As with most methods in bodybuilding, the method of cheatings also tires the muscle to the maximum with 5-6 repetitions. This is followed by 2-4 repetitions with technical changes, so that further repetitions are still possible. Using the example of bench press, this is done by lifting the buttocks. Since this method can lead to risks in the technical execution under conditions of fatigue, no more than 4 sets per exercise are recommended. Furthermore, this method should only be included in the training plan as a supplement.


By involving other muscles in the movement sequence, the interruption of the movement can be delayed. This increases the load and the stimulus for muscle building is increased.


This method works at the maximum of the movement executions. Especially when doing exercises in standing position, the deflection of the movement puts excessive strain on the spine. If the movement is not performed correctly, damage to the musculoskeletal system is a frequent consequence.

Injuries occur frequently, especially during cross lifting. Therefore this method should be used rather rarely, even if you have years of experience in bodybuilding.