Childbirth and Alternative Pain Therapies


Acupuncture cannot be used to achieve complete freedom from pain during childbirth. But placing the needles can break the cycle of fear, tension and pain.

Some women are afraid of needles. If you still want to use acupuncture during childbirth, it is best to gain experience with “needling” beforehand so that you can slowly overcome your fear (e.g. in childbirth preparation courses or with the help of your own midwife).

  • Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy
  • slow opening of the cervix (cervical dystocia).
  • reduced uterine involution after delivery


Homeopathic globules can be given both in preparation for childbirth and during childbirth. Which globules are used depends on the condition of the woman. Some homeopathically trained doctors also treat pregnancy diseases supportively with homeopathic remedies.

The concept of homeopathy and its specific effectiveness are controversial and not clearly proven by studies.


Bach Flower Therapy

Bach flower therapy is named after its discoverer, the physician Dr. Edward Bach (1888-1936). The method works similarly to homeopathy. Highly diluted extracts of plants are taken.

Pregnant women should start a Bach flower therapy already in the course of the birth preparation, because the effect should occur only after a few days. Like homeopathy, Bach flower therapy is not scientifically proven. However, it has no side effects, even if one should be mistaken in the choice of plants. Moreover, Bach flower drops are considered harmless – they are very highly diluted. Moreover, no poisonous plants are used for their production.

Pregnant women should start a Bach flower therapy already in the course of the birth preparation, because the effect should occur only after a few days. Like homeopathy, Bach flower therapy is not scientifically proven. However, it has no side effects, even if one should be mistaken in the choice of plants. Moreover, Bach flower drops are considered harmless – they are very highly diluted. Moreover, no poisonous plants are used for their production.