Cimicifuga racemosa | Homeopathy for migraine

Cimicifuga racemosa

If migraine occurs in women during the menopause, Cimcifuga racemosa is often used for therapy. Patients usually have a depressive, hysterical basic attitude and experience their migraine as a black cloud which depresses them and “clouds” their head. They stand out due to rapid changes in mood and feeling from “sky-high jubilation” to “deathly sad” and feel the fear of going crazy; they are indifferent, depressed and desperate at the same time.

Left-sided migraine is accompanied by severe depressive disgruntlement; the pain is felt in very different ways: shooting, hammering or stabbing; some patients feel as if their skull is shattered or a wedge is driven in from behind. Cimcifuga is used in a general dosage as a drop of D3. For further information about Cimicifuga please refer to our topic: Cimicifuga racemosa

Iris versicolor

Depressed patients with digestive problems who also suffer from acid reflux, gallstones or cramping pain in the upper abdomen. Before the seizure, visual disturbances such as flickering, flickering or a nebulous image occur. The symptoms may persist during the seizure.

The seizure often occurs when the patient comes to rest (Sunday migraine) and also at certain time intervals. The pain is described as constricting (like a tight band around the head) and right-sided accentuated, occurring on the forehead and the right back of the head. During the seizure and especially immediately afterwards, there is increased urination.

Improvement occurs, among other things, after vomiting, which is usually conspicuous by its large quantities, its bitter-yellowish taste and its slimy consistency. The pain decreases with slight movement, whereas violent movement increases the pain. The pain also increases with cold air and coughing.

Potassium bichromicum

The patient collective tends to freeze and has a low resistance to infections. They need a lot of love and attention, are generally rather good-natured, tender and warm-hearted. Their pain comes periodically, but it is very strong and can sometimes even trigger screaming attacks.

In the process, increasing nausea up to fainting occurs, as well as temporary blindness, flickering and flickering before the eyes. Noticeable is increased urination during the attack, which is perceived as a relief. The pain also improves at rest and in a darkened, warm room, as well as when the head is warm and tightly wrapped. The pain worsens with excitement, noise, light, hunger, movement, bending over and staying in the cold air.