Colds in Pregnancy: This Helps!

A cold during pregnancy is unpleasant and puts a strain on the already stressed immune system of an expectant mother. But many pregnant women are unsure which medicines or home remedies they can take without harming the baby. We explain which remedies are allowed and give tips to treat a cold during pregnancy.

Medications during pregnancy

Pregnant women should generally take as few medications as possible, as all active ingredients pass to the baby via the placenta – this also applies to herbal remedies. If you still want to combat your cold symptoms with medication, you should always discuss this with a doctor beforehand. The following also applies to the permitted medications: always take only the smallest possible dose for the shortest possible duration. Keep in mind that not every over-the-counter cold medicine is safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women. It is best to seek advice at the pharmacy on which remedies are suitable.

Tips for the common cold during pregnancy

Even if you should avoid medication as much as possible during pregnancy, you do not have to give in to a cold idly. Some simple home remedies help to alleviate the discomfort. But be careful: not all home remedies are suitable for use during pregnancy. The various symptoms of a cold can be treated in different ways.

Common cold and pregnant – what to do?

For a stuffy nose, rinsing or inhaling with salt water can help to decongest the nasal mucous membranes. However, you should discuss taking decongestant nasal sprays during pregnancy with a doctor or your midwife. Sea salt nasal sprays are usually considered safe. If your nose is stuffy as a result of the cold, you can bed your head elevated at night to help your breathing.

Cough during pregnancy

For coughs, pregnant women can safely resort to Iceland moss and, after consulting a doctor, ribwort plantain. Drink plenty of fluids to loosen the cough. Gargling with sage tea or warm salt water can also ease your discomfort. Be careful not to gulp down too much of the sage tea, however, as it should only be drunk in moderation during pregnancy. A good substitute for cough syrup, which is also suitable for pregnant women, is onion syrup. This is also easy to make yourself. Simply infuse a chopped onion and honey overnight and strain through a cloth the next day. You can take a teaspoon of the onion syrup several times a day.

Tips for sore throat in pregnant women

Potato compresses are an old tip against sore throat, which pregnant women can also use safely: Simply mash the still hot, boiled jacket potatoes and wrap them in a cloth around the neck. Curd compresses are also a popular home remedy for sore throats. Also, drink hot water with honey and lemon, which also relieves the discomfort in the throat.

What helps against earache?

If you suffer from earache during pregnancy, an onion sachet will help. For this, a chopped onion is briefly warmed in a pan without fat, then stuffed into a washcloth and then placed on the ear. With a cap or a cloth wrapped around the head, you can make sure that the sachet does not slip.

Headaches during pregnancy

The common tablets for headaches are not suitable for pregnant women. However, a damp, cold cloth on the forehead or a forehead wrap with a cloth soaked in lemon juice often helps against the pain. Wrap a towel around it and remove the forehead wrap after half an hour. In the event of severe pain, pregnant women may also take paracetamol as an exception. However, the painkiller should only be taken after consulting a doctor.

What pregnant women can do against fever

If your cold is accompanied by fever, paracetamol can also help – but to be on the safe side, only take the drug if a doctor gives his consent beforehand. Cool calf compresses are a natural fever-reducing remedy that is ideal for pregnant women. Also make sure you get plenty of sleep and drink plenty of fluids. The best tips against a cold

These home remedies are off limits for pregnant women

Not all home remedies for colds are allowed for pregnant women.For example, you should never overdo a hot cold bath or a sweating cure. Especially in the last third of pregnancy, overheating could lead to too much strain on the circulation and trigger premature labor. Certain essential oils, which are also used in homeopathy, among other things, can also trigger menstruation or promote labor and thus, in the worst case, cause premature birth or miscarriage. Caution is advised with the following medicinal plants, among others:

  • Sage
  • Licorice root
  • Ginseng
  • Rosemary
  • Thyme
  • Peppermint

The week of pregnancy is also crucial, as some remedies are only dangerous at the beginning of pregnancy, while others can be harmful, especially in the third trimester. It is best to find out from your gynecologist or a naturopath which cold teas, lozenges and homeopathic remedies are safe for you.

What else helps pregnant women with a cold?

In principle, pregnant women should treat themselves to warmth and rest when they have a cold and take it easy for a few days to avoid spreading the infection. Light sweating, plenty of sleep, vitamin-rich food and plenty to drink are the order of the day. Warm drinks such as tea (for example chamomile tea), broth and hot lemon, but also water and juices are suitable. Milk stimulates the formation of mucus and is therefore not suitable for a cold. Take special care to consume plenty of vitamin C, zinc and selenium (for example, in citrus fruits and cashew nuts) to strengthen the body’s defenses. The same applies to colds during pregnancy: fresh air is healthy! Ventilate regularly and put a bowl of water on the heater to keep the air in the room moist. This is because viruses have an easier time on dried-out mucous membranes. If the cold is slowly subsiding, pregnant women can strengthen their immune system by taking short walks. However, sports are too strenuous during a cold and are therefore taboo!

What to do when you have the flu and infections?

To treat infectious diseases that require the use of an antibiotic, there are special antibiotics that are approved for pregnant women and have no side effects. However, in the case of flu during pregnancy, treatment is much more difficult: since many flu medications are not suitable for pregnant women, they are administered only in exceptional cases. Therefore, you should get vaccinated in good time before the start of the flu season – this can be done safely even during pregnancy.

Breastfeeding with a cold – what is allowed to take?

During breastfeeding, some remedies are better tolerated than during pregnancy, others worse. Find out from a doctor or naturopath which remedies you can use without hesitation. For example, fennel and a cold bath without essential oils are permitted during breastfeeding, while sage tea, on the other hand, inhibits the flow of milk. In principle, you should refrain from taking medication for your cold during breastfeeding, just as you do during pregnancy, and prefer to use home remedies.