Course of disease and prognosis | Spinal canal stenosis symptoms and causes

Course of disease and prognosis

Overall, spinal stenosis is a slowly developing disease that does not appear overnight. As a rule, those affected experience the first symptoms early on, such as slight back pain or an occasional tingling in the limbs. Most people do not pay much attention to these symptoms.

Only when the pain increases and further symptoms of failure or problems with the upright posture occur, do many people visit a doctor for the first time. With uncomplicated spinal canal stenosis, the prognosis usually looks good. With a well-prepared therapy plan, patients are able to positively influence spinal canal stenosis and cause dilation of the spinal canal.

This reduces the symptoms and significantly improves the patient’s quality of life. Through regular preventive exercises, the spine can be supported and the development of a new spinal canal stenosis can be prevented. Even after surgical treatment of spinal canal stenosis, patients have a good chance of complete rehabilitation.

Very important, both in the conservative and surgical treatment of spinal canal stenosis, is the good compliance (therapy adherence) of the patient. If this is given, the prognosis is generally good.