Cut Wound: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A cut wound is a wound that occurs by means of a sharp object, such as a knife. Unlike injuries due to high temperatures or chemical wounds, the cut wound thus belongs to the group of mechanical injuries.

What is a cut wound?

The cut wound is caused by the impact of a sharp-edged object. Thus, it is classified as a mechanical injury caused by sharp force. Due to the sharp-edged shape of the acting object, the cut wound is characterized by smooth wound edges. In addition, these usually gape only slightly apart. Since a cut wound is caused by a punctual force of the wound-causing object, surrounding skin areas usually remain unharmed. Instead, tissue layers lying under the skin may be affected. Another characteristic of the cut wound is therefore severe bleeding, which can occur in a very violent form especially if an artery is involved. If bacteria have entered the wound, the heavy bleeding can flush them out and prevent infection of the cut.


The causes of a cut wound are varied. Classic is an accident in the household: a wrong movement while cutting tomatoes or an unfocused executed cut with the carpet knife, and already instead of tomato or carpet the own fingers are affected. It is also not uncommon for a piece of glass to pierce the thin soles of shoes in summer and injure the foot. And finally, a thin slice of paper can also cause a cut by accident. Certain occupations can also be predisposing to a cut. For example, people in medical professions are more likely to handle sharp, pointed objects such as scalpels and syringes, which can easily cause a cut.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

A cut wound is accompanied by fairly typical and distinct symptoms, so affected individuals can often diagnose a cut wound themselves. In most cases, there is heavy bleeding, which may even require medical attention and medication. Another sign of a cut wound is a strong burning sensation at the respective spot. Of course, cuts can occur in different degrees of severity, so that the severity of the bleeding also depends on this. If the affected person does not seek medical attention, then there may be a great loss of blood. Therefore, a visit to the doctor should not be put on the back burner. Another symptom of a cut is a long-lasting numbness if muscles or tendons have been injured. If this symptom occurs, a doctor must be consulted immediately. Otherwise, permanent consequential damage may occur if a visit to the doctor is not made. If only the uppermost skin layers are injured by the cut, only minor bleeding is to be expected. Further symptoms or complaints do not occur in such a case. Cut wounds are accompanied by fairly distinct symptoms, which may vary depending on the severity.

Diagnosis and course

Factors in determining the type and severity of a cut wound include the wound causative agent and the tissues involved. With regard to the type of wound, the cut wound is determined by the injuring object. This is usually sharp-edged, which manifests itself in smooth wound edges. The severity of the wound depends, among other things, on whether it is an internal or external injury. For example, a cut that merely incised the outer skin is of less concern than a cut that involves the internal organs. The complexity of the wound is also critical. In a complicated cut wound, tendons, joints or nerves are affected in addition to the skin. The more complicated it is, the more complex the treatment of the incision wound will be.


Smaller cuts, such as those that occur frequently, especially on the fingers and hands, usually heal without complications after a few days in healthy people. At most, a small scar remains, but it fades over time. Under certain circumstances, however, complications can arise.In the case of severe cuts that perforate larger blood vessels, there may be severe blood loss and, as a result, circulatory shock. Rapid hemostasis is then required, otherwise there is a danger to the life of the affected person. Complications are also to be expected if not only the skin but also nerves or tendons have been injured by the incision. In severe cases, it is possible that after nerve injuries to the hands, as is sometimes the case in kitchen accidents, one or more fingers may no longer be able to move fully or may feel numb. After tendon injury, the ability to flex and extend the fingers may be limited. In addition, complications can be expected if the wound was injured with a contaminated object and not thoroughly cleaned and disinfected afterwards. In mild cases, only the tissue near the wound becomes infected, but in a more severe course, sepsis (blood poisoning) may develop.

When should you go to the doctor?

If the cut is only superficial, it is usually enough to treat it with a band-aid, other dressing material and wound gel. After a short time, the bleeding should stop this way and wound healing will begin. A visit to the doctor is only necessary if the wound has gaping edges and is also very deep. If the bleeding cannot be stopped, a doctor’s office should be visited immediately so that the wound can be treated there. Infections can also be dangerous, no matter how small the cut. Bacteria multiply within a very short time. The doctor must also examine whether nerves or tendons have been hit. He has the option of suturing, stapling or gluing the wound. The tetanus vaccination may also need to be refreshed. Under no circumstances should foreign bodies be removed by the patient. Patients who suffer from delayed blood clotting (e.g., hemophilia) must see a doctor if they have a cut. Otherwise, there is a risk of severe blood loss, even from small cuts.

Treatment and therapy

Since heavy bleeding usually accompanies a cut wound, it should first be stopped to prevent greater blood loss. Ideally, a sterile compress should be used to stop the bleeding. This is pressed onto the cut for a few minutes until the blood flow is noticeably reduced. The wound is then dressed with a plaster or other wound dressing. If the cut is larger or if not only the upper skin layer is affected, a doctor should be consulted. The same applies if the cut was caused by a contaminated object and the last tetanus vaccination was a while ago. In this case, the doctor can treat the wound with antibacterial agents and thus prevent tetanus. If the wound does not stop bleeding even after a long time, a doctor should also be consulted. In this case, staple plasters or a suture are used. Facial injuries should also be treated by a doctor, since these usually bleed more and also require special aesthetic expertise in the care of the cut.


A cut wound can be prevented, on the one hand, by taking special care when handling sharp and pointed objects. Especially the professional handling of these objects often requires certain training that reduces the risk of injury. Special protective clothing and protective gloves can also prevent cuts at work. On the other hand, children should be familiarized with sharp-edged objects in an age-appropriate manner to reduce the risk of a cut.


Thorough aftercare is important for a cut wound. This is because pathogens can enter the body with any injury. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor the wound. Redness, swelling, pain, restriction of movement, suppuration or severe heating may indicate inflammation of the cut. In this case, consultation with a physician is elementary. If redness spreads strongly around the wound, the lymphatic vessels may be inflamed. There is a threat of blood poisoning. Immediate medical attention is urgently needed. If the wound has been sutured and the stitches have already been removed, the wound should still be covered with a wound plaster for a few days.If the healing process is positive, bacteria can no longer enter the wound. If the incision is already covered by an intact skin layer, wound healing is not yet over. Temporary structures are transformed into mature tissue and the skin begins to regenerate. Wound ointments are recommended to support this process. Creams containing dexpanthenol, vitamin A, plant extracts such as calendula, chamomile and witch hazel contribute to tissue regeneration and new cell formation. They make the skin supple and prevent scars. Suitable ointments are available in pharmacies or drugstores. Sometimes a special scar ointment can be helpful.

What you can do yourself

Taking care of a cut yourself depends on how deep this injury is. For small cuts, it is enough to cover the wound area with a plaster or a small bandage. To avoid infections, these should be changed occasionally. However, if the cut becomes infected, antibiotic ointments can quickly provide relief. Deeper cuts should be treated by a doctor so that they can heal without complications. The doctor decides whether the wound needs to be stapled, glued or sewn. In addition, he can anesthetize the area to be treated with a local anesthetic if necessary. To prevent open or secondary wound healing, the incision wound must be treated within six hours. If the wound is treated later, the healing process may take much longer and leave significant scars. The best prerequisite for wound healing without complications is immediate wound care. Lacerations that are located in the joint area are subjected to more stress and can tear. To prevent this from happening, the affected joint should be immobilized with a splint. This allows the edges of the wound to grow together better. Full baths and water sports should be avoided until staples or sutures are removed. For this, the wound should be closed and, if possible, without a crust.