Diagnosis | Kidney pain with nausea


To clarify the cause of kidney pain with nausea, the urine is usually examined. The first step is to do this with the help of the so-called “urine stick”, a small stick that is held in the urine and can indicate, for example, whether blood or bacterial metabolites are present in the urine. In addition, urine can be centrifuged and then examined under the microscope to provide indications of disorders in the kidneys or urinary tract. In a laboratory, culture media can be used to check whether bacteria are present in the urine. In addition to the examination of urine, blood tests and ultrasound of the kidneys and abdomen are usually essential in the diagnosis of kidney disease.

Associated symptoms

Which symptoms are present in addition to kidney pain and nausea depends largely on the causative disease. In the context of kidney disease, blood in the urine is often present, regardless of whether it is caused by an infection, tumor or vascular occlusion. Occasionally it is already visible to the naked eye.

In the case of infections of the efferent urinary tract, the majority of those affected feel an imperative urge to urinate – it occurs suddenly, is very strong and can only be held back with difficulty. If the infection has ascended into the kidney, fever often occurs. Without proper treatment, an infection of the kidney can lead to blood poisoning, severe circulatory problems and organ failure in various organs such as the lungs.

In some diseases the kidney is so severely affected that it can no longer produce urine. Those affected then leave no or very little urine, fluid accumulates in the body in excessive quantities and is deposited in the legs and lungs. The harmful substances that would have to be excreted accumulate in the blood and can lead to symptoms such as itching, fatigue, vomiting and seizures. If a disease of the gastro-intestinal tract is responsible for the supposed kidney pain and nausea, over time usually stool changes such as diarrhea, pain in other parts of the abdomen, loss of appetite or fever are added.