The diagnosis of a moustache is a diagnosis of the gaze. If the suspicion of a hormonal cause arises, it can be investigated by a blood test with a focus on the hormone levels. In this particular case, the suspicion could also be confirmed on the basis of the above-mentioned symptoms.
Since laser therapy has not been used for such a long time, there are no long-term values that could quantify the prognosis of laser treatment. In most cases, however, after laser treatment has been carried out, good success can be recorded, with a significant reduction in the lady’s beard. It is quite possible that the laser will be used additionally afterwards, as new hairs can form and the desolate hair roots sometimes recover. Nevertheless, laser treatment is a more effective alternative to shaving or hair growth over a longer period of time, with little risk of side effects.
Before the laser treatment, hair should not be removed for two weeks as a prophylactic measure. You should also avoid sunburn, especially in summer. You should also make sure that your skin is sufficiently hydrated so that it is not too dry during treatment. In order to get rid of the moustache in the long term, laser treatment should be considered again if hair grows back. Otherwise, if the above-mentioned number of laser applications and the intervals between them are observed, no further treatment should be necessary.
Frequency of laser treatment
It is recommended to laser the moustache several times and at certain intervals. The reason for this is that the hairs have a certain growth cycle and therefore not all of them can be caught during one session. If a hair root has been successfully obliterated by the laser, new hair will usually not grow here.
Consequently, the number of hairs decreases from session to session. The newly grown hairs, or hairs that have grown back despite treatment, can be caught in this way. At least six to eight laser sessions are recommended.
The interval between laser treatments should be four weeks for a woman’s beard, and later six weeks. A good result can be achieved if the number and intervals between laser treatments are observed. However, it should be noted that every woman has a different hair type and the treatment result can vary accordingly.
With some women, a clear improvement of the moustache can be seen earlier. Even after a completed laser treatment, a kind of relapse can occur, which means that hair can grow back in isolated cases. This can be explained either by a changed hormone situation or simply by the fact that the body has formed new hair roots through its regeneration mechanism.
Thereupon, a new treatment cycle for laser treatment can be started, which can then be individually adapted. Since laser treatment does not involve any particular risks, after the first treatment cycle has been well tolerated, i.e. without any incompatibility development, another one can be started without hesitation.