Pimples in the mouth

Pus pimples in the mouth are a particularly annoying affair, as they are difficult to treat because of their location, and are also relatively painful. Especially when children or babies are affected, the parent suffers as well. But what is meant by pus pimples, how do they develop and what can be done against them?

Symptoms with pus pimples in the mouth

Symptoms may include slight pain combined with a feeling of pressure. The symptoms are particularly difficult to detect in toddlers and babies, as they usually express their pain only through unspecific crying and refusal to eat. These symptoms can of course be caused by many different reasons, for example too hot or too cold food, stomach ache, or simply no desire to eat. Since children do not communicate verbally, it is important to have a quick look in the mouth.

The therapy of oral pus pimples

As long as the pus pimple is not painful or otherwise impaired, you should wait and see whether it disappears on its own. If this is not the case, you can try to open the pustule carefully. It is important to pay attention to hygienic conditions.

This includes washing and disinfecting the hands. The opening of the pus pimple can also be left to the doctor. The doctor can open and remove the pus pimple with a fine instrument.

In general, pimples should not be squeezed out, as there is a risk that pathogens can enter the blood. Furthermore, there is the danger that manipulation of the pimple increases inflammation and thus delays healing. However, if there is severe pain or discomfort, an attempt can be made to squeeze the pimple.

The area should be disinfected after pressing. This can be done, for example, with an antibacterial mouth rinse. However, care should be taken to ensure that it does not contain any alcohol, as this can cause a severe burning sensation.

The disinfectant should also be suitable for mucous membranes. An advantage is that the mouth mucosa regenerates quickly and the expressed pimple – should no inflammation form – should therefore heal quickly. In case of severe pain, a doctor should be consulted.