Diagnosis | Test anxiety

Diagnosis Since in test anxiety many different factors interact and influence the course of the disease, a clear diagnosis is not easy to make. Especially in childhood and adolescence, a hidden or undetected attention and concentration disorder can be confused with test anxiety.Important for the diagnosis is a detailed discussion with the affected persons and … Diagnosis | Test anxiety

Test anxiety

Introduction A fear that cannot be overcome and that is triggered by examination situations or circumstances that are perceived as an examination is called examination anxiety. It can be caused by previous bad experiences (e.g. if you have already fallen through an exam), fears from other people’s stories (e.g. if you hear that it is … Test anxiety

Stage Fright: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Stage fright corresponds to a stressful situation before public appearances. Over time, anxiety disorders can develop from the phenomenon. If this happens, cognitive behavioral therapy helps to reevaluate the negatively perceived situation. What is stage fright? Stage fright can affect a wide variety of areas of life. In the expanded definition, any kind of tension … Stage Fright: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Homeopathy for anxiety

Traditionally, homeopathy is used for many illnesses, including various forms of anxiety. However, the following therapy instructions should not be used by the patient on his own initiative under any circumstances. It must always be preceded by an agreement with the treating physician! Homeopathy for various forms of anxiety You will find further information on … Homeopathy for anxiety