Differentiation of scar tissue and breast cancer after surgery in the MRT | Use of the MRT ́s for breast cancer

Differentiation of scar tissue and breast cancer after surgery in the MRT

Very well suited is an MRI after surgery. The scar tissue that develops during surgical procedures can make the evaluation of an X-ray mammography or sonography significantly more difficult or even impossible. In magnetic resonance imaging, on the other hand, a tumor can be easily distinguished from scar tissue in most cases due to the contrast medium enrichment of tumor tissue. If there is a suspicion of a recurrence after breast surgery, an MRI can be prescribed. However, this is possible at the earliest 6 months after the previous operation and 12 months after completion of follow-up radiation therapy.


Magnetic resonance imaging is a very good diagnostic tool for breast cancer due to its good resolution in soft tissue. In everyday clinical practice, however, it cannot yet replace X-ray mammography or sonography of the breast. Certainly, the not inconsiderable differences in the cost of these examinations play a role, firstly because they are very expensive and time-consuming examinations and therefore only make sense for specific problems.

Because of this, the statutory health insurance companies only cover the costs of the examination in certain cases. In some hospitals and breast centers, an MRI is performed before all breast cancer operations, regardless of the patient’s insurance status. An examination for self-pay patients costs about 300 to 450 euros, the costs of private health insurance are higher. You can find more detailed information on this topic at Costs of an MRT examination