Disorders of the hormonal system | Endocrine System

Disorders of the hormonal system

The causes of disorders in the endocrine system can be many and varied. Every stage, from production to the effect on the successful organ, signal transduction in the target cell and degradation can be affected. The hormone effect can either be increased or decreased.

Responsible for an increased hormone effect is an overproduction of this hormone through an increase of the hormone-producing cells. This can be caused by a tumor or a harmless variant of cell proliferation.In addition, autoimmune diseases can stimulate the target organs of hormones by producing antibodies. In the same way, autoimmune diseases can also cause a mined hormone effect by destroying glandular tissue.

This is the case, for example, with a very well-known thyroid disease, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. There may also be hormone resistance, which is usually genetically determined. A well-known example of this is the disease Diabetes mellitus type 2, in which the thyroid gland produces the hormones thyroxine and thriiodothyronine if there is sufficient iodine in the body.

It releases the hormones via the bloodstream so that they can act on various body cells. The thyroid gland controls metabolism, heat balance, and protein production, and it also influences emotions and mood. A lack of hormones can lead to symptoms such as weight gain, fatigue, depression, cold intolerance, hair loss and constipation. An overactive thyroid gland is more likely to cause increased sweating, restlessness, sleep disorders, nervousness, weight loss, female menstrual disorders and high blood pressure.

Hormones of the parathyroid gland

In the parathyroid glands, which are located as four pea-sized balls on the back of the thyroid gland, the parathyroid hormone is produced, which controls the regulation of the calcium balance and increases the body’s vitamin D production. It is important for bone density and teeth, among other things. If the calcium level is too low, the absorption via food, which takes place in the intestine, is increased and calcium is released from the bones.