Muscle building training | Physiotherapy – Iliotibial Ligament Syndrome (Runner’s Knee)

Muscle building training

The right combination of stretching exercises for the tractus and strengthening exercises for the surrounding musculature is particularly important in muscle building training designed to protect the tractus iliotibialis. The gluteal muscles should be strengthened in particular, as they are involved in both concentric and eccentric muscle work when running. Exercises with Thera bands are very good for strengthening the gluteal and leg muscles.

More exercises can be found in this article: Theraband exercises Stretching the iliotibial tract is at least as important as strengthening the surrounding muscles. Therefore, the training program should consist of about 50 percent stretching exercises and fascial techniques and 50 percent muscle building training. Ideally, the stretching exercises should correspond as closely as possible to the actual movement sequences that are performed in sport (e.g. running) and should be practiced not only statically but also dynamically. Especially the alternation between stretching a muscle and concentric tension can be trained. In the following articles you will find more information on these topics:

  • Especially the abduction in the hip joint is suitable as strengthening exercise.
  • The Quadriceps femoris as knee extensors also has an important stabilizing function when bending the knee joints.
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Autogenic Training


As already mentioned, an important part of physiotherapeutic treatment is the performance of strengthening, stretching and stabilizing exercises, especially for the thigh, hip and trunk muscles. The fiber tension, which is responsible for the development of the Iliotibial Bandysyndrome, should be relieved. 1. stretching of the iliotibialis muscle Stand up straight and upright.

Now cross your leg, keeping the back leg stretched. Now bend your upper body forward and try to reach the floor as far as possible with your hands. Your gaze should go towards the chest during the exercise.

Hold the stretch for 20-30 seconds and then change legs. You can find more stretching exercises and exercises with an existing runner’s knee here. 2. strengthening the back of the thighs and the buttock muscles For this exercise lie on your back and place your legs as close as possible to your buttocks.

Now push your leg up so that a bridge is formed and your back and thighs form a straight line. Hold this position for 2 seconds and then lower your buttocks back towards the floor. Repeat this 15 times.

Strengthen the outside of the thighs and the gluteal muscles Put yourself in a quadruped position for this exercise. Now lift your right leg outwards so that your right knee points away from your body. From there, turn and lower your leg back to the starting position and repeat the whole procedure 15 times before changing legs.