Duration of rotation vertigo | Rotational vertigo

Duration of rotation vertigo

How long the rotation vertigo lasts depends very much on the cause. For example, some triggers such as benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (benign, seizure-like positional vertigo) can be quickly eliminated by specific maneuvers so that the symptoms last only a few days. The individual vertigo attacks usually last only a few minutes. However, other causes of rotational vertigo can also be accompanied by significantly longer courses. For example, the dizziness may be permanent for a long period of time, and it takes a few days to weeks until the cause of the rotary vertigo is treated, only then do the symptoms usually improve.


The prognosis of rotational vertigo, like its duration, depends on its cause. In most cases, the causes of vertigo are rather harmless, so that a serious illness cannot be assumed. Nevertheless, the dizziness attacks can occur repeatedly over months and years, in some cases there is chronic dizziness that cannot be completely cured.

Only in rare cases does the dizziness cause serious damage to the brain. The prognosis for brain damage depends on the location and severity of the damage. Often, however, the brain is no longer able to regenerate completely, so that dizziness can occur repeatedly.

Can this also be a brain tumor?

In principle, a brain tumor can also be the trigger for vertigo and other vertigo symptoms. A brain tumor is first of all a mass in the brain. Whether this mass is benign or malignant cannot usually be determined from the symptoms.

The brain tumor can lead to a so-called cerebral pressure symptomatology. Due to the tumor, the brain requires more space, but it cannot expand in the skull, which increases the pressure in the skull and thus also in the brain. Typical signs of increased intracranial pressure are dizziness (rotary vertigo, swaying vertigo or undirected vertigo), headaches, nausea and vomiting. In addition, a so-called congestion papilla can occur, in which the optic nerve is pressed slightly into the eyeball by the increased intracranial pressure.Depending on the location of the brain tumor, failure of individual brain functions can also occur as symptoms.