Exercises against a hunchback at home | Physiotherapy for a hunchback

Exercises against a hunchback at home

1st chair exercise For this exercise you need a chair. Place the chair with the backrest against a wall and pad the chair with a few towels. Now kneel on a towel with your back to the chair.

The knees are hip-wide apart. Now lean back until you feel the front edge of the chair against your shoulder blades and lay your head on the towels. Grasp the back of the chair with your hands, elbows pointing outwards.

Hold this position for about 30 seconds. You can also lift your buttocks while pressing your knees and lower legs against the pad. Now return to the starting position.

To relax after this stretching, bend forward so that your breastbone touches your knees. Cross your arms on the pad and place your forehead on your forearms. Stay in this position briefly and repeat the exercise.

2. wall exercise Stand with your face against the wall at a distance of about 30 cm. The feet are hip-wide apart. Place your hands at shoulder height and shoulder width against the wall with your fingers pointing towards the sky.

Press your hands against the wall while inhaling, step back and bend forward from the hips. Now hold your spine in the natural position.Be careful not to let your back sag or make a hump. To straighten the spine, pull the navel back towards the spine, straighten the chest and make a slight double chin again.

Now hold this position for a few breaths. To return to the starting position, kneel slightly, step forward again and slowly straighten up. These topics might also be of interest to you under the heading “Exercises for at home against a hunchback“.

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Yoga/Pilates exercises against a hunchback

1st exercise Stand upright with your back against a wall. Your heels should not touch the wall and your feet should be hip-wide apart. Buttocks and shoulders touch the wall.

Now adjust your spine. To do this, pull your navel towards your spine to prevent a hollow back. Push your breastbone towards the sky and make a slight double chin.

Now lift your bent arms sideways against the wall. The elbows are now at shoulder level and the hands point towards the sky. Now stretch your arms upwards until your elbows are outstretched.

Make sure that you do not fall into the hollow back and that your shoulders remain low. Stay in this position for a short time and then bring your elbows back up to shoulder level. Repeat this exercise several times while continuing to breathe calmly and relaxed.

2nd exercise Kneel on a non-slip surface, feet hip-wide apart and hands also shoulder-wide on the surface. Put your knees directly under the hip joints. Stretch your legs while breathing out and lift your buttocks.

Your hands now press against the pad. Make sure that your spine is correctly adjusted again. Stay in this position for a few breaths.

To return to the starting position, lower your knees and buttocks. 3rd Exercise Sit down on a chair, feet apart hip-wide. Now adjust your spine optimally.

To do this, pull your navel back towards the spine, straighten your chest and make a slight double chin. Now raise your stretched right arm next to your head and bend your elbow so that your palm is between your shoulder blades. Stretch your left arm backwards and bend your elbow so that the back of your hand is above your waist on your back.

Now try to reach your fingertips behind your back or maybe even manage to hold your hands. If the distance is too great, you can take a towel in your right hand and try to hold it firmly with your left hand behind your back. Take a few breaths in this position and then return to the starting position. Now you can perform the exercise the other way round.