Rowing while standing

“Rowing standing up” Stand with your knees slightly bent, hip-wide. Actively straighten your upper body by pointing your sternum upwards and pulling your shoulder blades backwards/downwards. Both arms are stretched forward at shoulder level. Now pull your elbows back as far as possible at shoulder level. The hands continue to point forward. The shoulder blades … Rowing while standing

Rowing standing up with the Theraband

“Rowing standing up” Stand with your knees slightly bent, hip-wide. Fix a theraband around a door- window handle. Pull both ends backwards at shoulder height as if you were rowing. Your upper body will actively straighten up by lifting your sternum and pulling your shoulders backwards/downwards. Perform two sets of 15 repetitions each. Continue with … Rowing standing up with the Theraband

Hyperextension Exercise for Thoracic Spine Diseases

Hyperextension lying: Go into the prone position. Your gaze is constantly directed downwards and your toes keep contact with the floor. Keep both arms in the air with bent elbows parallel to the floor. Now pull your elbows towards your upper body and straighten your upper body. The feet remain on the floor and the … Hyperextension Exercise for Thoracic Spine Diseases

Physiotherapy | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Physiotherapy Many affected persons take a relieving posture because of the complaints. In the case of sciatica pain, those affected bend the painful leg and tilt it slightly outwards. The upper body shifts obliquely to the opposite side. Although this behavior reduces the problem in the short term, other muscles then tense up and the … Physiotherapy | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Causes/Symptoms | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Causes/Symptoms Sciatic pain usually occurs on one side and has a pulling, “tearing” character. They usually radiate from the lower back over the buttocks to the lower legs. In this area, sensory disturbances can also occur in the form of tingling (“formication”), numbness or electrifying / burning sensations. In rare cases, sciatic pain is also … Causes/Symptoms | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Alternative treatment methods | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Alternative treatment methods Sciatica pain can also be relieved by homeopathic remedies such as Rhus toxicodendron (poison ivy), Gnaphalium (woolweed) or Aesculus (horse chestnut). The same applies to externally applied St. John’s wort oil. Light and gentle movements in Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong can equally provide relaxation, stimulate the blood circulation and alleviate … Alternative treatment methods | Exercises for sciatic pain during pregnancy

Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

A hunchback is a false position or malposition of the spine. The thoracic spine is bent too much, so that it arches backwards. Often this also changes the position of our lumbar spine. Here we usually find an increased hollow back. In technical terminology, increased flexion is referred to as increased kyphosis and hollow back … Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Possible causes | Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition

Possible causes A hunchback can be caused by changes in the vertebrae due to certain diseases such as osteoporosis, Bechterew’s disease or Scheuermann’s disease, but also long-term bad posture in everyday life or heavy loads such as heavy lifting in front of the body can promote a hunchback. This leads to a change in the … Possible causes | Exercises against a hunchback from spine malposition