Upper arm bracelet


An upper arm bandage is a cover or stocking that completely encloses the upper arm. It is made of an elastic material that adapts to the contours of the upper arm; however, it is stable enough to exert compression and pressure on the upper arm. Cushions are incorporated into the upper arm support at various points, so that exposed areas receive additional protection or more effective compression is applied to the muscles and other soft tissue structures.

Indications for an upper arm bracelet

The indication for an upper arm bracelet is indicated after operations, strains or other accident-related injuries to the upper arm. The aim of an upper arm bracelet is to protect the upper arm and limit potentially damaging movements. Above all, the risk of strains is prevented.

The musculature of the upper arm is additionally supported by the bandage. The compression with pressure pads increases the blood circulation and activity of the muscles in the upper arm. In case of injuries or after operations on the muscles or tendons, this can support the healing process.

What are the different types of upper arm bandages?

In the area of upper arm bandages, there are various models with different modes of action. Shoulder bandages are frequently used. These cover the upper arm and shoulder like a stocking.

In addition, there is a pulling strap that pulls over the chest around the opposite shoulder. These stabilize the upper arm and shoulder joint. Furthermore, the compression with partly removable pressure pads promotes healing and reduces swelling.

This type of bandage is available from various manufacturers, all of which have small differences, such as strength and area of compression, inclusion of chest muscles or incorporation of the bandage in a T-shirt. There are also upper arm bandages that are pulled over the hand and forearm and are called “sleeves”. These have a protective effect, but above all the effect of compression and stabilization. Furthermore, depending on the material, a faster drying time of sweat should be given. In most cases, the sleeves cover the entire arm from wrist to elbow to upper arm.