Flaky urine


Flaky urine is defined as a non-standard consistency and possibly color of urine that is excreted through the urinary tract. As a rule, the urine is slightly yellowish and clear like water. The urochromes color the excretion product yellow.

Urine also contains small amounts of urea, creatinine, salts, uric acid and hormones. As a rule, proteins are not excreted. Flaky urine can be harmless or indicate protein precipitation, inflammation and various diseases.


The causes of flakes in the urine can be of no disease value and often require no treatment. Accordingly, certain foods can temporarily change the composition and appearance of the urine. After urinating a few times, the appearance usually returns to normal.

In addition, insufficient fluid intake can lead to flaky urine. However, if flaky urine is excreted in large quantities or permanently, this can be an indication of disorders and diseases. For example, cystitis, prostatitis, prostate enlargement, various kidney diseases, diabetes mellitus, gonorrhea or tuberculosis can all imply flaky and cloudy urine.

Flocculation of the urine often indicates an infection with fungi or trichomonads. In addition, drugs can change the composition of the urine and thus cause it to have a flaky, cloudy appearance. Since drugs interfere with the biochemical processes and procedures of the body, this can be noticeable in the excretion product.

Drugs can influence the pH value of the urine and its balance of ingredients. Some drugs are excreted through the kidneys, so the urine may be altered by them. In some cases, urine must be drained via a bladder catheter.

The catheter is a foreign body inside the body and can promote various inflammations. When a bladder catheter is inserted, strict, conscientiously executed hygiene measures are absolutely necessary. These infections can manifest themselves, among other things, in a non-standard appearance of the urine.

Associated symptoms

Depending on the cause, various complaints can occur. A causal lack of fluid can be accompanied by fatigue, headaches, concentration and attention disorders. If a causal cystitis is responsible for the flaky and cloudy urine, certain typical accompanying symptoms usually occur.

In the case of an uncomplicated cystitis, those affected suffer from a burning sensation when urinating. The urge to urinate is often increased, but only a few drops of water can be passed. The technical term for this is pollakiuria.

In addition, lower abdominal pain can be caused. In a complicated bladder infection it is typical that in addition to the problems and pain of urination, fever and a knocking pain when tapping the kidney bed can be provoked. In addition, fatigue and a general feeling of illness can accompany the condition.

Men suffer less frequently from cystitis. If this occurs, then only in the complicated form. They are then often in the context of a prostate disease.

The symptoms can be similar to those of women. In addition, there may be pain during bowel movements and pain in the perineal area. A painful ejaculation can also be implied in the context of a bladder infection.

But this occurs relatively rarely. If the change in the urine is due to an underlying disease, the accompanying symptoms and complaints typical of the disease usually occur. or problems urinatingThe urine can be cloudy, especially in the case of a bladder infection.

In addition, the smell is often pungent. In addition, the urine may appear cloudy during pregnancy. Cloudy urine indicates that the urine contains one or more substances in high quantities.

These can be protein, leucocytes, bacteria, pus and mucus particles or blood cells. If there is protein in the urine, it indicates that the kidneys cannot filter it sufficiently. If there is an increase in leukocytes, blood cells, bacteria, mucus and pus, this is a sign of inflammation.

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This means that if, for example, inflammatory processes are regressing, the pain is usually also regressing. In the context of disorders or diseases of the urinary tract system, different qualities and strengths of pain can occur. Pain is always very individually pronounced.

Often the affected persons suffer from a burning pain, especially when urinating. In addition, however, pain can also occur in the lower abdominal area, in the perineal area and during bowel movements. In addition, itching in the genital area can occur.

Pain and itching rarely occur simultaneously. If inflammatory processes are advanced, the inflammation can spread to the kidney and cause kidney pain. In addition, kidney diseases, kidney disorders, kidney stones and kidney weakness can cause kidney pain. These should definitely be clarified by a doctor.