Flatulence during the nursing period | Nutrition during the lactation period

Flatulence during the nursing period

Flatulence during breastfeeding can be due to various causes. It often takes several weeks or even months after a pregnancy until the woman’s physical condition returns to normal. Temporary digestive disorders are also not uncommon in this context.

If one suffers from flatulence, one should avoid foods that additionally promote this. Dairy products are often the cause of flatulence. Fast food, high-fat foods or fried foods can also promote flatulence.

Fruit juices, spicy food, legumes and wholemeal products should also be distorted in moderation, as they also promote flatulence. Furthermore, some types of vegetables, such as cabbage or asparagus, but also onions and mushrooms have a flatulent effect. As a nursing mother, one should therefore pay attention to whether flatulence occurs after eating certain foods and, if necessary, avoid or reduce it. Contrary to some assumptions, flatulent foods eaten by the mother do not cause flatulence in the breastfed child.

Is it allowed to eat vegan food during the nursing period?

A vegan diet is not recommended during the lactation period, as it can lead to deficiency symptoms in the infant. Especially a vitamin B 12 deficiency can lead to permanent neurological damage. Also zinc, iron and calcium are often strongly decreased with persons, who nourish themselves vegan. Even if many Veganer strive to prevent a deficiency situation by a balanced nutrition, this is only very difficult in the lactation period. If the mother cannot decide to eat at least animal products in the form of eggs and milk, important vitamins and trace elements must be substituted.

How should one eat to lose weight during the breastfeeding period?

Many mothers would like to finally lose the excess pregnancy kilos again after the end of their pregnancy and the puerperium. However, this should not be achieved by strict diets during pregnancy. A sufficiently nutritious diet is very important, especially during the breastfeeding period, so diets are not really recommended.

Rather, one should try to lose weight again through a healthy diet and light exercise. The physical training should be adapted to the regression of the pregnancy. If the pelvic floor is weak, for example, you should avoid lifting heavy weights. Pelvic floor exercises, yoga and light endurance training, on the other hand, are highly recommended. The best way to lose weight again is to avoid sweets, fatty and fried foods, and to drink at least 2 liters of water or unsweetened tea a day.