Home remedy for flatulence

Flatulence is harmless and easy to treat, especially if it is caused by flatulent food or a hasty meal. If the causes of flatulence are known, those affected can easily take preventive measures and avoid the triggers. Anyone suffering from bloated stomachs (meteorism) and a strong discharge of intestinal gases (flatulence) should pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet and avoid flatulent foods such as peas, lentils, celery or Brussels sprouts.

In addition, one should eat slowly and chew thoroughly, speak little or not at all when eating, get enough exercise and ensure a regular bowel movement. On the other hand, it is advisable to avoid all foods and drinks that you cannot tolerate. If you do not feel confident enough to change your diet on your own, you can take advantage of a nutritional consultation as therapy for flatulence.

Furthermore, slight, temporary flatulence can be treated with over-the-counter medication on your own. These drugs have a defoaming, antispasmodic or digestive effect and are available as drops, tablets or capsules. Digestive enzymes (e.g. pancreatic powder, pancreatin) in tablet form are suitable as therapy for flatulence caused by a weakness of the pancreas.

However, if other symptoms such as severe pain, constipation or diarrhoea occur in addition to the flatulence, a doctor must be consulted in order to rule out a serious illness if necessary. Other suitable remedies for flatulence include household remedies such as artichoke leaves, caraway fruits, mint oil, aniseed or fennel as teas, or herbal medicines. These medicinal plants contain bitter substances and stimulate the digestive juices, have a flatulant (carminative) and/or antispasmodic (spasmolytic) effect.

Defoamer preparations (such as Dimeticon, Simeticon) as chewable tablets or suspensions. Defoamer preparations destroy the gas bubbles in the intestine. However, defoamers have not proved effective for chronic flatulence.

Find out the triggers of the symptoms and keep a diary in which all the food you have eaten, but also stress, a trip or little sleep will be recorded. Prefer freshly prepared light meals: Fat-saving cooking methods for vegetables, meat and fish are grill, roasting hose and Roman casserole. The use of hot body wraps is also always recommended for flatulence.

Here, either cloths should be dipped in hot water and then placed on the stomach or a hot-water bottle should be placed on the stomach. The effect of warming agents is described in such a way that the heat penetrating into the abdomen leads to an expansion of the blood vessels of the intestine which in turn leads to a relaxation of the muscles. As a result, the pain is reduced and the air that is held in a small section of the intestine by the cramp-like contraction can be distributed throughout the intestine.

The flatulence decreases. It is important to note that in the case of inflammatory changes in the intestine, heat should not be applied, as this can increase the symptoms on the one hand, but can also lead to a worsening of the underlying disease. These include appendicitis or diverticulitis, for which the application of heat is strictly forbidden.