Food Intolerance: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

A food intolerance or food intolerance is usually not immediately perceived as such by those affected. If one suffers from diarrhea, nausea, headaches or other symptoms, these are not assigned to a disease, but lifestyle habits. If the complaints accumulate and occur in connection with food, one should not exclude a food intolerance as a cause.

What is food intolerance?

Food intolerance or food intolerance is an intolerance reaction to food. The consumption of certain foods, or more precisely their ingredients, triggers discomfort, which manifests itself in various reactions. The symptoms include irritation of the skin, gastrointestinal complaints, breathing difficulties or headaches. A distinction is made here between allergic reactions, which are transmitted by the immune system, food allergies, and so-called food intolerances. Food allergy refers to a hypersensitivity to certain substances contained in food. Intolerances as food intolerance, on the other hand, are divided into enzyme defects or enzyme deficiencies, for example lactose or fructose intolerance, or pharmacological reactions, for example histamine intolerance.


Food intolerance can have a variety of causes. Contrary to what is widely believed, these can develop during life and are not congenital. One possible cause of food intolerance can be convenience foods. Ready-made foods often contain large amounts of unnatural ingredients and additives, which cannot be utilized by the body or can only be utilized poorly. In addition, foods such as fruits and vegetables are made more durable by chemical treatment. The interaction of the substances absorbed in high numbers through food increases the risk of developing a food intolerance. But not only the ingredients of food are possible triggers of food intolerance. If the body is under stress over a longer period of time or is exposed to great exertion, fights infections or psychological stress, food intolerances can also develop. If strong medication has to be taken over a longer period of time, the body often reacts with a defensive reaction, also to certain foods. The cause of the various symptoms of food intolerance are certain ingredients of the food, which trigger intolerance reactions of the body.

Symptoms, complaints and signs

The symptoms of the different food intolerances are similar, but are often not attributed to a disease by those affected. They seem rather commonplace and sufferers have usually become accustomed to living with them. The disease usually affects the digestive system. Then symptoms such as diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, nausea or stomach pain appear. Furthermore, it also often manifests itself through the skin, causing rashes or the development of eczema and neurodermatitis. Headaches, heart palpitations and cravings for sweets can also occur. Symptoms of intolerance to certain foods may appear either immediately after consumption or hours later. The symptoms described above belong to the latter. Immediately after eating a food, an intolerance tends to cause a stale feeling or even burning of the tongue. Swelling or redness of the face may also occur. If a person suffers from another disease, it can be aggravated by food intolerance. The disease can be determined relatively well by a food diary, which is kept over several weeks. If the same or similar complaints occur again and again after eating a certain food group (for example, dairy or cereal products), there is a high probability of food intolerance.

Diagnosis and course

The diagnosis of food intolerance is not easy to make. After reviewing the medical history of the affected person, other causes for the complaints are ruled out to determine whether other diseases are present.It can be helpful for the diagnosis if the patient draws up a precise consumption plan. This contains exactly what was eaten or drunk, as well as when which complaints occur. In this way, the food intolerance can be assigned to a food or ingredient in a short time. For food intolerances, special tests have been developed to determine the body’s reaction during the intake of, for example, lactose or fructose via a breath test. This determines whether the body can process these substances normally. To find out if the food intolerance is a food allergy, allergy tests are performed. The symptoms of food intolerance disappear as soon as the food in question is no longer consumed. However, allergic reactions may cause severe allergic shock in some circumstances.


Usually, the complications and discomfort of food intolerance can be relatively well avoided by eliminating the particular food that causes it from daily life. In most cases, this food can be replaced by another, so that there are also no particular complications in the daily life of the affected person. Food intolerance usually leads to severe pain in the abdomen and stomach. It is also not uncommon for diarrhea or vomiting to occur, so that the quality of life of the affected person is also significantly reduced by the food intolerance. However, food intolerance can also lead to a rash on the skin associated with itching. Those affected often feel unwell due to the food intolerance and not infrequently also suffer from psychological upsets or depression. In most cases, food intolerance is not treated directly. Only in a few cases can medication be taken to combat this intolerance. However, a long-term cure is usually not possible. However, abstaining from the causing food can limit the symptoms of food intolerance well. The patient’s life expectancy is usually not reduced in the process as well.

When should one go to the doctor?

If a health irregularity develops immediately after a food intake, a physician should be consulted. If the individual may experience a general malaise after ingesting certain foods, the observation should be shared with a physician. If there is sweating, tightness in the throat or swelling in the mouth, this indicates an irregularity that needs to be investigated. If there is rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, nausea or vomiting, there is a health condition that should be clarified. If there are changes in the appearance of the skin, watery eyes or a runny nose, there is a disorder of the organism. Redness, pustules on the body and itching are signs of intolerance. If there are disturbances of digestion, diarrhea or vomiting diarrhea, a doctor is needed. If there is an acute reaction of the body after food intake, an emergency service must be alerted. Respiratory distress, circulatory collapse, or loss of consciousness must be treated by an emergency physician. There is a danger to the life of the person affected, which must be averted by first aid from persons present. If irritability, inner restlessness or perceptual disturbances occur on the skin, a visit to the doctor should be made. If the complaints occur repeatedly or increase rapidly in intensity within a few minutes, a doctor must be consulted immediately.

Treatment and therapy

Food intolerance cannot be eliminated by medication. In the short term, only the symptoms can be treated by medication. It is possible to treat the symptoms of food intolerance by means of remedies for nausea, diarrhea, headaches or the like. Likewise, the manifestation of intolerance can be reduced by medication. Through the medication, the body receives the missing enzyme, which is needed, for example, for the processing of dairy products, lactose. Basically, therapy consists of avoiding those foods and ingredients that trigger the symptoms. For this purpose, the patient receives a precise diet plan.This ensures the supply of the body with sufficient vitamins and minerals despite the renunciation of certain foods due to the food intolerance. In some cases, food intolerances are not permanent. The complaints occur only as long as the cause is present. Thus, an intolerance triggered by stress or medication may subside if the daily routine is balanced or the medication is discontinued.

Outlook and prognosis

The prognosis for food intolerance depends on the exact nature of the intolerance. For example, a mild intolerance, in which certain food components cannot be digested well or at all, is never really dangerous. Complaints do occur, but they subside after a few days at the latest and do not leave any damage. This is the case, for example, with lactose intolerance or fructose intolerance. A food intolerance in the form of an allergy has a different prognosis. Here, in the worst case, anaphylactic shock can occur, resulting in damage to the internal organs and even circulatory collapse. Rapid treatment is important and life-saving. However, most allergic reactions are milder. The danger of shock exists with every contact with the allergen. Food poisoning, which is also categorized as food intolerance, has varying prognoses. This depends on the exact toxin and dose. Overall, most reactions resulting from food intolerance can be described as generally harmless and passing. In a small percentage of all cases, more severe reactions occur, such as circulatory problems or severe rashes. In most cases, waiting and avoiding the responsible food component is already enough to produce improvement.


The emergence of food intolerance can not be prevented 100 percent, because each body reacts differently to life situations, medications or additives in food. As a preventive measure, one should not supply the body with too many chemical additives, which cannot be utilized or harm the body. It is recommended to prevent food intolerance with naturally kept food.


Aftercare consists of long-term treatment and everyday support. The typical complaints should be kept low. Unlike usual, aftercare examinations do not take place regularly in the case of food intolerance. The physician informs his patient about the triggering substances as part of the diagnosis. The affected person also receives behavioral advice for everyday life. It is important to avoid certain foods by means of a diet. Ready-made products and additives should generally be avoided in meals. This prevents the allergic reaction from occurring in the first place. The responsibility for a consistent implementation lies with the patient himself. Sometimes supplementary medications are prescribed to mitigate a reaction. Only in case of acute problems and complications it is necessary to see a doctor. Repeated testing for food intolerance is likely to be indicated only if new symptoms develop. Patients with fructose or lactose intolerance usually only need to follow a diet for a limited time.

Here’s what you can do yourself

In the case of food intolerance, it is necessary to change the diet. This should be done immediately and very disciplined. Helpful here is the use of a nutritional counseling, in order to inform comprehensively and intensively about alternative eating habits. In addition, the affected person needs knowledge about cross-links. In many cases, the intolerance of one product also leads to a hypersensitivity of the organism of another food at the same time. In order not to cause unnecessary discomfort, this should be taken into account in time. People who suffer from food intolerance are well advised to pay close attention to physical conditions when consuming food. The smallest changes and abnormalities of the organism should be taken into account when choosing food preparation, so that the overall health condition does not deteriorate. If possible, the use and preparation of ready-made products or ready-made meals should be avoided.Although the ingredients must be clearly listed on the packaging in accordance with the legal guidelines, they usually comply with minimum quantities or other requirements. Therefore, not all ingredients used in the products for sale are always sufficiently labeled. When visiting restaurants, a good consultation with the chef is recommended. He should be able to list in detail which ingredients he uses in the preparation of his menus. If this is not possible, the individual should be advised to refrain from eating.