Footbath | Treat nail fungus with vinegar


If one wants to treat the nail fungus with vinegar, a foot bath is well suited to distribute the vinegar evenly on the nail fungus. The foot bath ensures that the nail is softened a little and the vinegar gets to deeper layers. To treat the nail fungus with vinegar using a foot bath, use a tub, large bowl or bucket, which allows the feet and nails to be completely covered with water.

The water that is let in should be as warm as possible, of course without causing pain. The mixing ratio of vinegar to water is about 1:1, and the foot bath takes about 10-20 minutes and is a pleasant form if you want to treat the nail fungus with vinegar. The vinegar has a slightly disinfectant effect, together with the warm water, blood circulation and healing processes are promoted. After the foot bath, the feet and toes must be dried thoroughly and the socks changed. This way of treating the nail fungus with vinegar can be used several times a week to support the healing process.

Tea tree oil

For the treatment of nail fungus there are a number of home remedies that are recommended. Some of them are reported to have good success, while others are not very effective. Vinegar has proven to be effective in the application, since it leads to an acidification and thus to an obstruction of the growth of the fungi.

Contrary to schoolmedical medicines there are no scientifically proven numbers with household remedies, over the effectiveness however the application with nail mushroom was established and many humans report that they could get rid of the parasite thereby. Tea tree oil is often used as an all-purpose household remedy for various skin or nail diseases. The terpene alcohols it contains can kill pathogens such as fungi.

By using tea tree oil for nail fungus, it should be fought. However, the use of tea tree oil should be viewed critically. Many dermatologists as well as the Bundesinstitut for risk evaluation warn of the skin-irritating components of the tea tree oil.

Furthermore, its use can lead to the development of an allergic reaction. If one would like to treat nail mushroom with household remedies, one should seize therefore rather to vinegar and not to tea tree oil. However, if there is no improvement even after several weeks of regular use, it is recommended to use a conventional medicine from the pharmacy to treat the nail fungus. Usually a local application on the nail is sufficient and no tablet needs to be taken.