Duration of the treatment | Treat nail fungus with vinegar

Duration of the treatment

There are a lot of people who treat a nail fungus with vinegar. In many cases, the question of the duration of the treatment arises. It is important to know that even with orthodox medical measures the duration of the disease is a few weeks.

If one wants to treat the nail fungus with vinegar, however, this is a sensible method to support the healing process. The exact duration depends on the extent of the disease and the type of pathogen. It is often reported that with regular use of vinegar for the nail fungus, the duration of application is 6-10 weeks.

Usually the nail fungus is then healed. In order to shorten the time in which one must treat the nail fungus with vinegar, supporting hygienic measures or other means against athlete’s foot like special nail varnish or ointments are offered. Altogether it must be said that the duration cannot be reduced over a certain measure, since a healing at the nail takes relatively long.

If I treat the nail fungus with vinegar it burns – What to do?

Vinegar is an organic acid and when it comes into contact with the skin during the treatment of nail fungus, it can therefore cause a burning sensation. Especially if there are small injuries or open spots on the foot, even a small amount of vinegar burns on contact. The burning is a warning sign that the skin is irritated by the vinegar.

The healing of the open area and the restoration of the skin barrier is hindered by the sows. Therefore, nail fungus should not be treated with vinegar or other acids if it burns severely when applied. Either one resorts to other household remedies that do not have a corrosive effect like vinegar or one uses an orthodox medicine from the pharmacy, which contains an active substance that is specifically directed against the fungus.

Is there any benefit if I drink vinegar?

If you suffer from nail fungus, it is no use drinking vinegar. The effect of vinegar against nail fungus unfolds only if it is applied externally to the nail. If you drink vinegar, it will be absorbed and transformed by the body.

In contrast to a medicine, no effect on the nails can unfold in this way. In addition, drinking vinegar also carries risks. It leads to a strain on the esophagus and stomach with additional acid.

In addition, vinegar attacks the enamel of the teeth while drinking, which promotes inflammation and caries. Nevertheless, some people swear by the health-promoting effect of drinking vinegar. However, this is not proven.

If you still want to do so, you should use a high-quality vinegar and drink it with plenty of water. The mouth should also be rinsed out thoroughly after drinking.