Formoline for Overweight

This active ingredient is in Formoline

Formoline L112 and Formoline Mannan differ in terms of their active ingredients. Formoline L112 contains polyglucosamine (L112 for short), a biopolymer made from crustacean shells. Formoline Mannan contains konjac mannan from the konjac plant, an active ingredient without animal components. Both support weight reduction or control.

The L112 variant is a lipid binder, i.e. a substance that can bind fats to itself. Normally, nutrients are absorbed from the intestine and then enter the body for further processing. There, the absorbed calories are converted into energy (sugar or fats). However, the Formoline-L112 active ingredient is indigestible. It and the fats bound to it are excreted naturally. The weight reduction here is based on a lower supply of calories.

Formoline Mannan, on the other hand, promotes the feeling of satiety. The active ingredient begins to swell in the stomach and thus takes up so much space that the feeling of hunger fades more quickly.

When is Formoline used?

Formoline is a drug that is intended to help people who are overweight. Typical uses of the drug are:

  • weight reduction
  • weight control
  • lower cholesterol intake from food

What are the side effects of Formoline?

Often, the consistency of the stool changes when the drug is used. More rarely, constipation, flatulence or a feeling of fullness are possible – usually due to insufficient fluid intake. If hypersensitivity reactions occur due to any ingredient of the preparation, allergic reactions such as skin rash, swelling, vomiting and chills may occur.

What you should bear in mind when using Formoline

Formoline therapy must be accompanied by a healthy lifestyle and exercise. Since the active ingredient binds only fats and has no effect on carbohydrates and proteins, the diet must also be adjusted accordingly. A complete renunciation of fats is not recommended, because the body needs them to be able to absorb certain vitamins. Therefore, you should prepare a meal with high-quality vegetable oils every day.

The drug must not be taken by:

  • patients with low body mass index (BMI less than 18.5)
  • @ infants as well as young children under three years of age

Furthermore, the drug must not be used in case of known allergy to the active ingredients, ingredients and crustacean products.

In some patients the medicine should be taken only after consultation with the doctor. This is the case in patients with:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Taking medications that affect bowel function.

Particular caution should be taken with children and adolescents who are still growing, as well as the elderly over the age of 80.

In addition to excess fats, fat-soluble drugs can also be bound and transported out of the body with the active ingredient. This applies, among other things, to hormone preparations or the contraceptive pill. Vitamins can also leave the body unused in this way. The effectiveness of other medications may be reduced or ineffective. Therefore, a doctor should be notified about the use of Formoline, who will adjust the dosage accordingly or advise another medication.

Formoline: Pregnancy and lactation

The use of Formoline by pregnant women and nursing mothers is not recommended. This is because the binding of the fat to the active ingredient may cause the body to lose important fatty acids and nutrients that are particularly important for the development of the child.

Nursing mothers should refrain from taking Formoline for the benefit of the child.

Formoline: Dosage

If weight loss is to be achieved with Formoline Mannan, two tablets each are administered three times a day, which should be taken about 30 minutes before meals. For a cholesterol-conscious diet, four tablets each twice a day are suitable. Since liquid is of great importance for swelling, the drug must be taken with at least 250 ml of water. To ensure the optimal effectiveness of Formoline tablets, it is important to supply the body with sufficient water (two to three liters).

Another product variant for weight loss is the Formoline powder called “protein diet”. As a shake, the Formoline powder represents a low-calorie snack.

How to get Formoline

Formoline is a drug that is available over the counter at pharmacies. Your doctor or pharmacist can judge which product variant is best for you.