Forms of medication | Homeopathic medicines

Forms of medication

Homeopathic medicines are basically available in the form of: All these dosage forms are available in different potentiations (Commonly used: D3, D6, D12). Usually drops or tablets are used. Globules have proven their worth in pediatrics.

Injection solutions (are injected under the skin or into the muscle) and their use is reserved for the doctor. In the following text, the most beneficial drug form is indicated under the keyword ” Common”, it comes first. In brackets is the less advantageous but still possible dosage form.

The homeopathic remedies are administered in single doses. These “homeopathic doses” refer to the following quantities, which correspond to each other in the scope of action, irrespective of the dosage form:

  • Drops (Dilutio, Dil. )
  • Triturations (Trituratio, Trit.


  • Tablets (Tabl. )
  • Small globules (Globuli, Glob. )or as
  • Injection solution.
  • Drop (Dil.)

    -> 5 drops

  • Tablets (Tab.) -> 1 tablet
  • Triturations (Trit.) -> 1 knife point
  • Spreading beads (glob.) -> 5 spreading beads
  • Injection solutions (Amp.) -> 1 ampoule

Homeopathic complex remedies