Further applications for knee bandages | Bandage for patellar tip syndrome

Further applications for knee bandages

Bandages for the knee can be used either prophylactically to prevent injuries or as therapy for already existing knee damage or diseases. Bandages are used, for example, to stabilize when the ligaments in the knee joint are stretched or to relieve pain when the cartilage behind the kneecap is damaged. Bandages can also be used for relief in the event of a torn meniscus.

As part of a puncture of a Baker’s cyst, a disease in which a chronic inflammation causes increased synovial fluid to form and, as a result, the joint capsule sags, a bandage can be wrapped around the knee joint for support. In cases of chronic pain in the shin bone, the so-called shin bone edge syndrome, a bandage can be used to improve the symptoms. Bandages can also be used for therapeutic purposes or to alleviate symptoms in Osgood-Schlatter’s disease, an inflammation of the base of the patellar tendon, and in shelf syndrome, an inflammation of the knee joint after overuse