Further measures | These exercises help against headaches

Further measures

Another measure that can be taken in physiotherapy for headaches is the so-called progressive muscle relaxation. Here not only the muscles are affected but also the psyche and thus possible stress. In a relaxed supine position with closed eyes, the patient is instructed to gradually tense and release individual muscle areas.

The difference between tensing and relaxing should be consciously perceived and the attention should be completely directed to the own body. With good control of self relaxation, the exercise can also be performed in quiet minutes at the workplace. In addition, passive measures such as massage and trigger point therapy (here, particularly tense muscle knots are pressed until they disappear), taping (helps posture and tissue circulation), electrotherapy (also has a circulation-promoting and thus relaxing and pain-reducing effect) and manual therapy, especially mobilization of the cervical spine and upper cervical joints, can counteract the unpleasant tension headache.

Light traction (pull) on the skull bone in the supine position creates space, relief and also has a very relaxing effect. If the neck muscles are very tense, the patient can massage himself with a tennis ball, which is simply pressed against a wall with the neck and rolled over the tense area as far as it is comfortable. The article Stress – Are you also affected by it? might be of interest to you.


Many different approaches can counteract this tension headache, which is particularly common among office workers. From active exercises for muscle building and general posture training, passive measures for relaxation, to psychological and physical relaxation exercises, there is a wide range of treatment and self-help measures, which are individually adapted to the requirements of the patient.