Furuncle on the neck


A boil on the neck is a form of abscess (encapsulated accumulation of pus) that causes a purulent inflammation of a hair follicle. Typically, boils on the neck occur in the lateral region or around the neck and are extremely painful.

Causes for a boil on the neck

The hair follicles (root sheaths) lie around the hair root and anchor the hair in the skin. The penetration of bacteria can lead to a deep inflammation of the tissue around the follicle and its sebaceous gland, and a boil can develop. The most common germs that lead to the formation of boils are staphylococci and streptococci.

These bacteria naturally colonize the human skin and mucous membranes and are usually harmless, but can also lead to infections. The best known pathogen of skin infections is Staphylococcus aureus, a rod-shaped bacterium that is part of the normal skin flora. In most cases, the bacteria are self-infecting, i.e. they originate from the patient’s own body.

If the skin on the neck is irritated, for example by wearing tight collars, ties or necklaces, a hair follicle becomes infected and a boil on the neck can develop. Especially men who shave are at risk of getting a boil on the neck if the skin is not sufficiently disinfected after shaving. Other causes for the development of furuncles on the neck can be strong beard growth or poor personal hygiene.

Often, especially people with a suppressed or disturbed immune system suffer from furuncles. Due to a lack of defence mechanisms, bacteria can penetrate more easily into the hair follicles and cause inflammation there. In addition, an unrecognized or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus can be the cause for the formation of furuncles.

Other causes for the formation of furuncles on the neck can be strong beard growth or poor personal hygiene. Often, especially people with a suppressed or disturbed immune system suffer from furuncles. Due to a lack of defence mechanisms, bacteria can penetrate more easily into the hair follicles and cause inflammation there. In addition, an unrecognized or poorly controlled diabetes mellitus can be the cause for the formation of furuncles.