Medical history (history of illness) is an important component in the diagnosis of cholecystitis (gallbladder inflammation).
Family history
- Are there any diseases of the gallbladder in your family that are common?
Social history
Current medical history/systemic history (somatic and psychological complaints).
- Have you noticed any pain in the upper abdomen?
- Is the pain localized on the right side?
- Is the pain colicky or permanent?
- When does the pain occur?
- Since when does this pain exist?
- Do you have any other accompanying symptoms such as loss of appetite or nausea/vomiting?
- Do you often have a bloated abdomen?
- Do you have a fever?
- Have you noticed any discoloration of the skin (jaundice)?
Vegetative anamnesis incl. nutritional anamnesis.
- Are you overweight? Please tell us your body weight (in kg) and height (in cm).
- Have you lost body weight unintentionally?
- Has your appetite changed?
- Have you noticed any changes in your bowel movements (color, quantity, composition)?
Self history including medication history.
- Pre-existing conditions (diseases of the gallbladder)
- Operations
- Allergies
- Pregnancies (protracted birth – birth duration of more than 18 hours for first-time mothers and more than 12 hours for multiparous mothers).
- Medication history